Departmental Promotions Committee

Departmental Promotions Committee General Instructions and Guidelines:- (1) Promotion is earned by dint of hard work, good conduct and resul...

Departmental Promotions Committee

General Instructions and Guidelines:-

(1) Promotion is earned by dint of hard work, good conduct and result-oriented performance as reflected in CRs. Only performance above average entitles an officer to recognition and suitable reward by way of promotion. While ‘Average’ is not an adverse remark, it cannot be regarded as complimentary.

(2) The DPC should assess the suitability of the employees for promotion on the basis of their Service Records and Annual Confidential Reports for five preceding years only.

(3) Seniority list for Promotion: When an up to date seniority list of person in the relevant grade is prepared, a copy thereof should be circulated to the persons concerned.

(4) No interview will be held by the Committee unless provided for in Recruitment Rules for the post.

(5) Proceedings of DPC are valid only if all the members are duly invited for the meeting and a majority of them including the Chairman are present.

(6) The DPC proceedings which are conducted in accordance with Government instruction and rules will not come under judicial review.

(7) List of eligible persons: List of eligible persons to be considered for promotion with full details of the number of vacancies, number of posts reserved for SCs/STs or any other reservations, etc.

(8) Seniors who have completed probation period but not the required service may also be considered for promotion when their juniors who have completed the requisite service are being considered.

Size and Composition – As mentioned in the Recruitment Rules, unless otherwise decided by the Ministry / Department / Office. For Groups ‘A’ and ‘B’ promotion, members will be at least from one level above. For Group ‘A’ promotion by selection, Chairman/Members of the UPSC will preside over the meeting. In respect of Groups ‘C’ and ‘D’ Chairman of the Committee will be an officer of a sufficiently high level. One of the membersappropriate status compatible with other members and the post to which promotion is made. For technical posts, the officer nominated from other department should have the requisite technical competence.

No. 22011/3/2007-Estt(D)

Government of India

Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions.

(Department of Personnel and Training)

North Block, New Delhi

Dated 18th February 2008

Subject:- DPC Guidelines – Benchmark prescription for promotion at the level for JS and above – Revised Guidelines.

The undersigned is directed to invite reference to Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT) Officer Memorandum No.35034/7/97 dated February 8.2.2002 which contains instructions on ‘Benchmark’ for assessment of performance and the manner in which select panel has to be arranged on the basis of inter-se seniority, subject to achievement of benchmark, for promotion to various levels of post/grade. Attention is also invited to the DOPT OM No./22011/5/86-Estt (D) dated April 10, 1989 [as amended by OM No. 22011/5/91-Estt (D) dated March 27, 1997], which contains instructions on Departmental Promotion Committees (DPCs) and related matter.

2. While considering a proposal of the Department of Revenue, the ACC has observed that the benchmark of ‘Very Good’, in terms of instructions issued by the Department of Personnel and Training, is applicable to all promotions at the level of Deputy Secretary and above. A natural corollary is that the benchmark prescription is adhered to rigorously as one goes up higher the ladder. Therefore, at the joint Secretary and Additional Secretary level, the requirement should be of meeting the ‘Very Good’ benchmark without fail.

3. The observations of the ACC have been examined in consultation with the UPSC. In order to ensure greater selectivity at higher level of administration, the DPC may ensure that for the promotion to the scale of Rs.18,400 – 22,400 and above, the prescribed benchmark of ‘Very Good’ is invariably met in all ACRs of five years under consideration. The DPC, in terms of guidelines of this Department, is required to make its own assessment on the basis of entries in the CRs and not be guided merely by the overall grading. In cases where the assessment by DPCs are apparently not in line with the grades in the ACRs, the DPC should appropriately substantiate its assessment by giving reasons , so that the appointing authority could factor these while taking a view on the suitability of officer for promotion

4. The instructions contained in this Office Memorandum shall come into force from the panel year 2008-09. Ministries / Departments are requested to give wide circulation to these revised instructions for general guidance in the matter.

(Smita Kumar)

Director (Establishment


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