12 TH JULY 2010--50th year of the first industrial action of strike by CENTRAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES.

A leeter from Honourable secretary general  of Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers regarding  50th year of the first i...

A leeter from Honourable secretary general  of Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers regarding  50th year of the first industrial  action of  strike  by CENTRAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES.

Manishinath Bhawan

A/2/95 Rajouri Garden,

New Delhi. 110 027

E mail: confederation06@yahoo.co.in



Dated: 17th June, 2010
Dear Comrades,

As you are aware,12th July 2010 would be the 50th year of the first industrial action of strike by the Central Government employees. To commemorate the five glorious days of 1960, which became an important milestone in the movement of the Central Government employees, the Confederation Sectt. has decided to call upon all its affiliates and COCs to organise the following programme. This is primarily meant to bring home to the mass of the present day employees the impact of the historic action in the lives and service conditions of civil servants and the general trade union movement in the country. The pamphlet sent along with this circular letter describes the sacrifices of the comrades, who organised the glorious strike action in 1960, the repressive measures unleashed by the then Government and the issues projected, which are of relevance even today. In the context of the new economic policies, the UPA II Government has decided to pursue with intensity and the resistance movement being organised by the entirety of the working class of the country and the impending strike action in September, 2010, it would be appropriate that we organise the programme on 12th July 2010 with dedication and determination. The pamphlet is prepared on the basis of the Note given and the discussion we had with our President, Com.Vyas, who played a sterling role in organising the strike in 1960. It must be our endeavour that the message reach the rank and file of our membership and the pamphlet is widely circulated.

The following programme will be organised by all affiliates and the State Committees on 12th July, 2010.

(i) The Confederation flag will be hoisted in front of all offices on 12th July, 2010 to be followed by paying homage to martyrs' column specially erected for this purpose.

(ii) The State Committees will organise meetings, seminars, or conventions; will invite the erstwhile leaders of the movement to speak as an educative campaign.

We have been informed by the National Federation of Postal employees that under the auspices of the Joint Council of Action, the postal workers would commence an indefinite strike from 13th July, 2010. The Income-tax Employees Federation along with the All India Income-tax Gazetted officers association has also decided to be on on a day's strike demanding the stoppage of outsourcing and contractorisation of various departmental function on 15th July, 2010. The Confederation and its affiliates will support these struggles and will organise solidarity actions to compel the concerned authorities to bring about a settlement on the demands raised by these employees. The State Committees will get in touch with the leaders of these two organisations and will provide necessary assistance and support to make their strike actions successful. In consultation with the National leadership of these two organisations, it has been decided that the State COCs will go in a procession to the Post Office (identified in consultation with the NFPE leaders) on 15th July, 2010 and hold demonstration to express solidarity and support to the striking workers. The ITEF comrades, who will be on strike on 15th will join the procession in large numbers.

The Govt. Of India has decided to contractorise all care taking functions in all departments and no recruitment is likely to be made in Group D cadres in future. A serious campaign against the informalisation of the regular functions should be undertaken by all the organisations. Let the proposed programme slated for 12th July, 2010 be the beginning of a long and sustained straggle against this atrocious decision of the Government.

The Central Trade Unions have decided to convene a National Convention at New Delhi on 15th July, 2010. The convention is expected to declare a day's strike in September 2010. The National Executive of the Confederation will meet on 16th July, 2010, for which notice is sent separately. The All India Audit and Accounts Association who recently organised a mass casual leave programme against the victimisation of the union functionaries informed the Confederation that the Audit bureaucracy has retaliated by issuing charge sheet under rule 14 to all those who participated in the mass casual leave programme. The Confederation has decided to face this challenge squarely. A detailed programme is being chalked out and the same will be conveyed in our next circular letter.

With greetings,
Yours fraternally,
K.K.N. Kutty
Secretary General

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