Faq   • What is General Pool Residential Accommodation? • Who is eligible to apply? • When to apply and how? • What are entitlements for var...


• What is General Pool Residential Accommodation?

• Who is eligible to apply?

• When to apply and how?

• What are entitlements for various types of accommodation?

• What is the Rolling Allotement Year?

• How are Waiting List prepared?

• What are the seprate Pools/Quotas within the General Pool

• What is the general procedure for allotment?

• Acceptance of allotment and follow up action

• What is the procedure for change of accommodation?

• How technical acceptance/area restriction for change allotment is secured

• Can an applicant seek reconsideration of allotment offered?

• How to apply for the allotment of garage?

• How mutual exchange of accomodation can be sought?

• How recovery of licence fee is made and at what rate?

• What is the period of retention permissible after an allottee ceases to be eligible?

• How to apply for retention?

• Are there any special concessions allowed in case of transfer to hard areas?

• What are the consequences of unauthorized occupation?

• How to surrender Government accomodation?

• How to obtain'No Dues Certificate'(NDC)from the Directorate of Estates?

• What are the rules regarding sharing of accommodation and what amounts to subletting?

• Can the allottee use the accomodation,garage,etc.for other purposes and undertake

additional construction therein?

• Can an allottee secure temporary allotment of additional accommodation?

• Can Government accommodation be allotted to the eligible ward/spouse/daughter-in-

law/married daughter of an allottee in case the allottee retires/dies in service?

• Whether retention/allotment is admissible in the event of mandatory posting to

PSUs/autonomous Bodies, etc?

• Does the Directorate of Estates have any Holiday Home / Touring Officers Hostel for

Central Government employees?

• Does the Directorate of Estates have any Information and Facilitation Centre and

Grievances Redressal System?

• Does the Directorate of Estates have Citizen Charter?

What is General Pool residential accommodation?

Government residential accommodations under the administrative control of Directorate

of Estates in Delhi and at 31 stations outside Delhi constitute the General Pool residential

accommodation (GPRA). Allotment of GPRA is governed as per provisions of the

Allotmentof Government Residences (General Pool in Delhi) Rules, 1963 and executive

instructions issued there under.

Who is eligible to apply?

• All Central Government employees and the employees working under the Government of

NCT of Delhi, who are working in the offices, which have been specifically declared

eligible for General Pool, are entitled for allotment of accommodation from General Pool.

When to apply and how?

• Applications for allotment of entitled type of accommodation can be made at any time

after regular appointment / joining on transfer at the place of posting in the organisations,

declared eligible for GPRA. The applications received up to the last day of the month are

included in the Waiting List of the subsequent month.

• All applications are required to be made on the prescribed DE-2 forms, duly forwarded by

their administrative offices. Such application forms can be purchased from the

Information and Facilitation Centre (IFC), Directorate of Estates, Nirman Bhawan, New

Delhi, on payment of Rs. 5/- each.

What are entitlements for various types of accommodation?

• The General Pool accommodation has been classified in 11 categories (excluding Hostel


• The entitlement of an applicant for a particular type is determined with reference to the

basic pay drawn by him on 1st January of the current calendar year.

• The eligibility pay for various types of accommodation is as under:

Type of Residence                       Eligiblity pay Range

           I                                         Less than Rs.3050

           II                                          Rs.3050-5499

           III                                          Rs.5500-                                                                         

          IV                                       Rs  8500-11999

       IV(Spl)                                        Rs10000

    VA(DII)                                     Rs12000-15099

    VB(DI)                                      Rs 15100-18399

    VIA(CII)                                     Rs18400-22399

    VIB(CI)                                      Rs22400--24499

    VII                                              Rs 24500-25999

     VIII                                           Rs26000 and above

Hostel accommodation

Single Suite without kitchen                     Rs  6500

Single Suite with kitchen                          Rs 6500

Double Suite                                           Rs 8500

• Officers eligible for Type IV (Spl) and higher accommodation may also apply for

accommodation below their entitlement. However, such allotment will be made on

maturity of their turn in the Waiting List for such accommodation

What is the Rolling Allotment Year?

• The concept of Rolling Allotment Year has been introduced with effect from 1.4.2002.

Applications are invited from all eligible employees instead of on restricted basis as was

done in the past. There is now a rolling allotment year with cut off date as on 1st January

of each calendar year for determination of eligibility for various types of accommodation.

• In case eligibility for Government accommodation undergoes change after submission of

application in a particular calendar year, the applicant may apply for allotment of the

entitled type of accommodation as per his revised emoluments.

How are Waiting Lists prepared?

Waiting List for Type I to IV

• The length of service i.e. the date from which the Government servant has been

continuously in service under the Central Government or State Government [including the

period of Foreign Service] is the criteria for the purpose of preparing the waiting list for

Type-I to IV accommodation,

Waiting List for Type IV-Spl and higher

• The Waiting List for Type-IV(Spl) and higher accommodation (including Hostel type) is

prepared with reference to the earliest date from which a Government servant has been

continuously drawing emoluments relevant to a particular type of accommodation in a

post under the Central Government or State Government or Foreign Service.

Change waiting list

• Change waiting lists, area-wise/floor-wise, are maintained on “first come first served”

basis for type I to IV accommodation.

• The Government employees may apply for their desired locality/floor, on maturity of their

turn in the initial waiting list.

• For Type IV-Spl and higher types of accommodation (including Hostel), the List is

prepared with reference to the earliest date from which an official has been continuously

drawing emoluments relevant to a particular type of accommodation in a post under the

Central Government or State Government or Foreign Service. A Unified Waiting List for

Initial as well as Change is maintained for such categories of accommodation.

What are the separate Pools/Quotas within the General Pool?

• General Pool is the mother pool and within the General Pool, separate pools/quotas

are maintained for specified categories of Government employees.

Tenure Pool

• A ‘Tenure Pool’ of accommodation is maintained for All India Services Officers (IAS, IPS

and Indian Forest Service) who are posted in Government of India on deputation basis,

and on tenure basis with the Government of NCT of Delhi.

• All India Service Officers are allotted accommodation only against the Tenure Pool


Lady Officers Pool

• ‘Lady Officers Pool’ is maintained separately for married lady officers and for

single lady officers. Specified numbers of residential units have been earmarked

in the ‘Lady officers Pool’ which are determined from time to time.The Lady

Officers are also eligible for allotment of accommodation from General Pool on maturity

of their turn.

Allotment in Lady Officers Pool is made in the ratio of 2:1 to the married and single lady officers

respectively. ‘Single lady’ category includes unmarried, divorcee and widow lady officers.

Change of accommodation to a Lady Officer is allowed only against the ‘Ladies Pool

accommodation’ unless their turn is covered in General Pool/Tenure Pool Waiting List.

No. of residential units in lady officers pool in various types are given as under:

    Type                                Number of units

      I                                         300

    II                                        2300
   III                                       1625

   IV                                        250

   IV(Spl)                                50

  VA(DII)                               150

   VB(DI)                               45

    VIA(CII)                           25

SC/ST Pool

• 10% of vacancies in Type I and II and 5% of vacancies in Type III and IV accommodation

have been reserved for SC and ST employees.

• The allotment is made to the SC and ST employees in the ratio of 2:1. These employees

are also eligible for allotment of accommodation from General Pool on maturity of their


Out-of-turn Allotment

• Out-of-turn allotments are made on medical and functional grounds.

• Medical grounds on which out-of-turn allotments are considered and categories of

Government servants who are eligible for out-of-turn allotment on medical ground are

given in Annexure I. Requests for out-of-turn allotment on medical grounds were

considered by the two committees of officers constituted for the purpose.

• The Committees may also consider requests of Government servants on extreme

compassionate grounds and such allotments shall be restricted to a total of not more than

5 houses in each type (type I to V only) in a calendar year.

• The overall ceiling of out-of-turn allotments has been fixed at 5% of vacancies occurring

in each type of houses in  a calender year

What is the general procedure for allotment?

• Allotments are made on maturity of turn on the Initial or Change Waiting List of Pool

(General Pool, Ladies Pool and Tenure Pool).

• A residence falling vacant is offered to an applicant desiring a change of accommodation

in that locality/floor. If there are no applicants for said locality/floor in the Change Waiting

List, the residence is offered to the senior-most applicant on the Initial Waiting List.

• Generally, due to the Change Waiting List, houses in Central and popular localities/floor

are not allotted against Initial Waiting List in respect of type I to IV accommodation.

• Since a unified waiting list is maintained for initial and change allotment, allotment in

popular localities/floor will be made as per the waiting list in respect of type IV (Spl) and

higher accommodation. Allotment in a particular type shall be made to applicants having

the earliest priority date for that type of residences. Each officer is made two allotments in

each  type of  accommodation, i.e., initial and change.

Acceptance of allotment and follow up action

• On receipt of offer letter of allotment, the Government servant is required to convey

his acceptance on the prescribed form, within a period of 8 days from the date of

issue of the letter.

• The acceptance forms are available at the website of the Directorate at URL or at the Information & Facilitation Centre, Nirman Bhawan, New


• The acceptance my be submitted either personally or through an authorized

representative along with the following documents :

a) Eligibility certificate duly authenticated by the Department that

he/she is working in an eligible office .




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