Minutes of the Third monthly review meeting with cadre authorities in respect of issues pertaining to CSS, CSSS and CSCS held on 25.2.2011.

No .21/14/2010-CS.I(P) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions Department of Personnel and Training 2nd Fl...

No .21/14/2010-CS.I(P)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training

2nd Floor, Room No.209, Lok Nayak Bhawan,
New Delhi, dated the 23 March, 2011


Subject: Minutes of the Third monthly review meeting with cadre authorities in respect of issues pertaining to CSS, CSSS and CSCS held on 25.2.2011.

   The undersigned is directed to say that in order to strengthen the cadre management of Central Secretariat Service. Central Secretariat Stenographers Service and Central Secretariat Clerical Service, the third monthly review meeting was he under the chairmanship of Joint Secretary (CS) on 25.2.2011 in North Block, New Delhi with all the cadre units. The meeting was attended by 25 cadre/sub-cadre units.

   2. The minutes of the meeting have been uploaded at the web-site of the Department of Personnel & Training at www.persmin.nic.in —CS Division— CSS--Miscellaneous Circulars. All the cadre units are requested to peruse the minutes at the site and take necessary action accordingly.


Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
(Department of Personnel and Traning


   The third monthly review meeting with the cadre units on issues pertaining to CSS/CSSS/CSCS was held at 11. 00 AM on 25th February, 2011 under the charmanship of JS (CS) in Room No.119, North Block. The agenda items for the meeting are at Annexure-1. The list of partcipants is at Annexure-II.

   2. Welcoming the representatives from the Ministries/Departments, Director (CS-I). DDP&T initiated the discussion. Before taking up the agenda items for discussion, he informed the cadre representatives that there was urgency in connection with restructuring of CSSS cadre. The DPC for promotion from PPS grade to Sr. PPS grade had been fixed for the 28th February, 2011 and that ACRs and vigilance clearance of certain officers were still awaited from some cadres. The names of the officers were intimated to the representatives of the cadres with the request to expedite the requisite documents to enable the DPC to consider the case of those officers for promotion.

   3. Director (CS-I) then explained the position with regard to the agenda items as under:

(I) Non-relieving of SOs/ad-hoc USa for level D training on the ground of official exigencics

   It was explained that the Level D training for Section Officers is a mandatory training as part of CSS Cadre Training Plan. Non-attendance of the training would affect the promotion prospects of the officers concerned. It was informed that there were 19 officers who had been nominated earlier but have not attended the Level D training. There were two officers who had been nominated thrice and one officer four times

   The Cadre Units concerned were impressed upon to relieve the officers for training as non-attendance of the training would hamper their promotion.

(ii) Inputs regarding ad-hoc promotion to SO Grade in pursuance of O.M. dated 11-11-2010

   So far, the information was still pending from two Cadre units-(i) Social Justice and Empowerment and (ii) Youth Affairs and Sports. It was decided that a communication to the two cadres would be sent at Secretary level.

(iii) Completion of CR Dossiers of Assisnts/PAs who have appeared for Combined LDCE 2006. 2007 & 2008

   The Cadres were informed that the results of the Combined LDCE for 2006-2008 would likely be declared by the end of April/1 week of May, 2011 and hence all the Pending ACRs were required to be completed urgently. While the status was complete only in respect of 2 cadres (Legal Affairs, Water Resources) it was partially complete in respect of 4 cadres ( MHA, Labour Posts, Culture) All the Cadre units were requested to take appropriat action on an urgent basis.

(iv) Vacancy position in the grade of LDC for Select List Year 2010 as per amended CSCS Rules 2010

   All cadre units were requested vide OM dated 24-11-2010 to furnish the revised vacancy position in the grade of LDC for SL 2010. The requisite information was still awaited from 11 Cadre units (Commerce, Culture Earth Sciencee, Food & PD, MHA Minoriti Affairs Rural development, Social Justice & Empowerment, Telecommunication, WCD, Youth Affairs & Sports)

(v) ACRs of PS up to Select List Year 2000 (General) and 2004 (SC & ST)

   The information was pending from 28 cadre units

(vi) Deletion of names of Steno Grade D appearing in CSL of the grade circulated on 28-7-2006 but who have been promoted as PA/PS on regular basis or have left service

   Cadre units were requested to furnish the required information by 31-1-2011 Despite reminder dated 8-2-2011, the requisite information was still awaited from 7 Cadre units (Corporate Affairs, Culture, Minority Affairs, DOP&T, Social justice & Empowerment, UPSC, Youth Affairs & Sports).

(Vii) Apprising the cadres on future action points emanating from CSSS Cadre Restructuring and time frame

   Joint Secretary(CS) briefed the cadre units about the action being taken consequent to restructuring of CSSS cadre such as allocation of newly created posts to Ministries/Departments making promotion to the grades of Sr.PPS. PS and PA. He urged that the cadre units Should arrange to furnish the pending ACRs/APARs urgently to enable the DOP&T to accomplish the targets in a time bounc manner.

(viii) Completion/submission of Property return in respect of CSS officers for 2010 (& prior years)

   For the year 2009, IPR in respect of 866 officers had been received. IPRs in respect of 485 officers have so far been received for the year 2010. The Cadre units were requested to issue internal circulars for expediting submission of IPRs by the officers

   JS(CS) observed that since there is a provision in the ACR/APAR form about submission of IPR, the Ministries/Departments should certify the factual position indicated by an officer in his ACR about submission of IPR

(ix) APAR completion of all CSS officers for 2009-10 and prior years and timely updating of APAR monitoring software by Nodal Officers

   It was informed that necessary training had been conducted for the Nodal Officers and a separate meeting was also held in September, 2010 for this purpose All the Nodal Officers were last reminded on 25-1-2011 to upload all the available data/status of completion of APAR by 10-2-2011. So far only 49 cadres have started feeding the data, which is incomplete. Others were asked to start feeding data in the software.

   JS (CS) mentioned that an exercise would be undertaken for the scanning of the ACRs of previous years

(x) Completion of ER Sheet data especially for Section Officers and Assistants

   The information on completion of ER Sheet data has been received from 30 Departments and is awaited from 47 Departments.

4. JS (CS) then mentioned about the followino issues

   (I) Recently MHA promoted 16 Group D staff to the grade of LDC on ad-hoc basis, which was not proper. Similar action by two cadres (UPSC, Supply) has led to court cases. He asked the cadres not to resort to such ad-hoc promotions, without approval of DOP&T. He requested the representative of MHA to have this decision reviewed.

   (ii) Expressing concern about the status of impiementation of the orders of transfer of officers under the Rotational Transfer Policy, he observed that despite interaction with the cadres in this regard and despite the fact that the CSS Rules provide for compliance of such orders within 45 days, the status of relieving of officers was not satisfactory. Though instructions in this regard are plenty, compliance is not uniform. He asked the representatives of the cadres to report the matter to their higher authorities concerned and for taking action for implementation of the transfer orders.

   (iii) He informed that a draft RTP for CSSS had been circulated with a time frame given for furnishing comments. He asked the cadres to go through this and furnish their comments so that the same could be finazed.

   (iv) He informed that recently USs with 16 years in a particular Ministry/Department had been transferred under the RTP. After the Parliament Session further rotational transfer of USs would be effected.

   5. Thereafter the cadre representatives were asked to explain the position with regard to their Ministries/Departments on the agenda items and also on other related issues. The status of the agenda items with regard to the Ministries/Departments as informed by them are at Annexure-lll.

   6. As regards other issues/problems raised by the cadre units. the position is as under:

   6.1 Director, Ministry of Labour mentioned that 15 out of the 24 UDCs transferred to that Ministry had not joined. The representatives from the Ministry of Coal and FPI raised the question of relieving of UDCs from Urban Development. Director. MHA also raised the matter regarding relieving of UDCs from Rural Development and Department of Posts.

   On being asked about the status. Under Secretary. Ministry of UD informed that action was being taken to relieve the UDCs transferred to other Ministries/Departments

   6.2 Director MoD explained that on all the points mentioned in the agenda, the Defence Ministry had complied with all the issues. He urged that vacant posts be filled up at the earliest.

   6.3 Similarly the representative of M/o Road Transport and highways also informed that all the agenda points, action by M/o RTH had been complied with.

   6.4 Under Secretary. DIPP informed that ACRs of 9 PSs were pending from other participating offices. who were being reminded to expedite the same.

   6.5 Under Secretary. Ministry of Finance informed that of the 3 PSs nominated to that Ministry, only one had joined. Director (CS-I) suggested that they should write to the relieving Ministry/Department also, while DOPT would make efforts to get them relieved.

   6.6 Representative of Ministry of Environment and Forests mentioned that two stenographers from Mnistry of I&B were yet to join. Director. MHA also mentioned about non-joining of 15 StenographerS and 2 PAs. DS(CS-ll) asked her to write to DOP&T formally so that the matter could be taken up with the Ministries concerned.

   6.7 The representative from the Ministry of Mines raised the issue of non-filling up of the vacancies in the grades of SO(6), Assistant (8). UDC (5) and stenographer (3). Director(CS-l) explained that 496 DR Assistams have been nominated but their dossiers are awaited. They would be available for posting only after August, 2011 after completion of a the pre-appointment formalities and training. which has been reduced from 16 weeks to 12 weeks. SOs would be available for posting after April/May, 2011. DS(CS-ll) mentioned that eligible LDCs can be promoted on ad-hoc basis for filling up of the vacancies of UDC.

   6.8 DS. Science and Technology mentioned that they were facing problems due to non-filling up of the vacancies in the grade of UDC and Stenographer. The representative from Department of Posts mentioned that they required UDCs to fill up the resultant vacancies of 11 incumbents who had been promoted as Assistants. DS(CS-H) suggested that a communication may he sent to DOP&T for consideration for appropriate action

   6.9 The representatives from the Ministries of Coal and Disinvestment raised the issue of non-filling up of the vacancies of Under Secretary. Director(CS-l) explained that regular panel to the grade cf Under Secretary had been held up due to litigation and that ad-hoc promotion would be made in July. 2011. Only thereafter, it would be possible for DOP&T to fill up the vacancies of Under Secretary.

   6.10 Raising the issue of officers transferred on loan basis. Deputy Secretary, Ministry of Higher Education sought issuance of guidelines by the DOP&T in this regard. Director(CS-l) explained that this was a mutual informal arrangement between the two Ministries/Departments and that DOP&T had no role in it. The lending Ministry/Department can refuse to agree to such requests keeping in view smooth management of its cadre.

   6.11 Under Secretary, WCD informed that one PPS from Ministry of Road Transport and Highways was to join. He also mentioned that the question of encadrerment of one post of PPS was pending. DS (CS-II) mentioned that allocation of posts to different Ministries would be issued shortly.

   The representative from Earth Sciences mentioned about filling up of 3 posts of LDC for which a proposal for encadrerment of the posts had been sent. Director(CS-l) clarified that it was not possible to fill up such vacancies immediately as there was a certain procedure which had to be completed. He informed that DOP&T woud be issuing guidelines in this regard shortly. which should he kept in view by the Ministries/Departments while requesting for filling up of vacancies arising due to new creation of posts.

   7. As regards issues relating to RIP, Director MHA informed that one, Sh. DeenDayal had not yet joined. DS. Legal Affairs stated that one Section Officer transferred to Department of Expenditure would be reheved after a substitute had been provided in his place. Director(CS-l) asked him to implement the order without insisting for a substitute.

   8. A number of Ministries/Departments mentioned about the problems being faced in uploading data in the APAR softare. Under Secretary RD requested for imparting training to the nodal officers of the sub-cadres. Shri BSA Padrnanabha, DS. FPI informed that they had written to DOP&T for imparting training for monitoring the APAR software. Shri Rajendra Singh. Under Secretary, Ministry of Health mentioned that the nodal officer handling the APAR software had been changed and nobody else had the password. He requested that 2/3 other officers should be provided with passwords to handle the work. The representatives from Ministry of Civil Aviation and the Ministry of Culture also asked for new password for APAR software. The representative from Minority Affairs mentioned that training was required for handling the APAR software. The representative from Supply Division informed that the nodel officer had changed and they therefore, required new password as wel as training to handle the APAR software.

   It was informed that the Ministries/Departments facing problem in handling the APAR software can contact the officer concerned of NIC and that another meeting would be held in this regard.

   9. Shri Rajendra Singh. Under Secretary, Ministry of Health, raised the issue of sub-cadre units like JIPMER, writing to the DOP&T directly without consulting the main cadre unit on cadre matters, which was not proper. Director(CS-l) clarified that comments of the main cadre unit were invariably sought by the DOP&T before examining/considering such cases.

   10. Appreciating the co-operation and the response of the Ministries/Departments Director (CS-I) informed that the updates on the agends items furnished by the Ministries/Departments would be taken on record

   11. The meetin ended with a vote of thanks to the Chair.



25th February, 2011


   (i) Non-relieving of SOs/ad-hoc USs for Ieve1 D training on the ground of official exigencies

   (ii) Inputs regarding ad-hoc promotion to SO Grade in pursuance of O.M. dated 1l-11-2010

   (iii) Completion of CR Dossiers of Assistants/Rs who have appeared for Combined LDCE 2006, 2007 & 2008.

   (iv) Vacancy position in the grade of LDC for Select List Year 2010 as per amended CSCS Rules 2010

   (v) ACRs of PS up to Select List Year 2000 (General) and 2004 (SC & ST)

   (vi) Deletion of names of Steno Grade D appearing in CSL of the grade circulated on 28-7-2006 but who have been promoted as PA/PS on regular basis or have left service

   (vii) Apprising the cadres on future action points emanating from CSSS Cadre Restructuring and time frame

   (viii) Completion/submission of Property return in respect cf CSS officers for 2010 (& prior years)

   (ix) APAR completion of all CSS officers for 2009-10 and prior years and timely updating of APAR monitoring software by Nodal Officers

   (x) Completion of ER Sheet data especially for Section Officers and Assistants

click to view minutes with agenda

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