First TV Appearance...

Ok, so I finally share part of the news that I have been itching to tell you. Next Tuesday, I'll be on the CBC's Steven & Chris ...

Ok, so I finally share part of the news that I have been itching to tell you. Next Tuesday, I'll be on the CBC's Steven & Chris Show! So the background is this. A month ago, the show e-mailed me and asked I'd be interested in being on their show for a new feature. My initial reaction was "Oh my god no. No. no. no." There is something comforting about hiding behind a blog. You can compose your words carefully, be in sweat pants. But being on camera - the things you say are taped the first time you say it, the clothes we wear are evident...You have to look put together. And, chasing around after Oscar I rarely feel that I am. But I thought - "Why Not" and not that much later, I was inviting a camera crew into my house. (that I blogged about here

What they taped that day I've been asked not to be specific about but it's a few completed rooms of my house. :) And there is more...there was Part 2 to the whole production....

I had to go to the set to tape a segement for their website, and, got to sit in the audience and watch the 1st piece with my Mom and Dad beside me. (Sorry Mom for the really awkward shot, I know she'll probably really hate me for that one) I can't get too detailed about it, but it was awesome fun.
In the end, it was a total blast. I'm a huge fan of the show and CBC* to start with, but the graciousness of the whole team that I experienced that day was pretty amazing. To see how the show is put together amazes me. Tune in October 18th to see it air and afterwards I'll post more behind the scenes photos. ;)

That's it. Don't laugh. I'm a huge nerd which will be evident on the show. ;)

Photos: My Mom, My Dad, Steven and Chris, Me with Elizabeth Wharnsby who works for the show (love her!) - you may recognize her from Peter Fallico's Home to Flip Series, and finally a shot of me on set. (Although I didn't tape there, I had to snap a photo)

* Aubrey works for the CBC, so we're big fans of it in our house! Go CBC!

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