Ritual Cleanse

Every year I do my best to do some sort of cleanse. Last year I tried  this one  and as part of a monthly practice I  fast one day each mon...

Every year I do my best to do some sort of cleanse. Last year I tried this one and as part of a monthly practice I fast one day each month. It still amazes me how connected our minds, bodies and spirits are and how I always see a triple shift in everything when I focus on one aspect heavily. This past weekend I took on the challenge of drinking only fresh cold-pressed juice for three days, and today I feel fantastic.

Ritual Cleanse sent me their three-day seasonal reset juice cleanse and it has been a long time since I've felt this energized. At times it was a little tricky as I prepared meals for our little ones and it being Halloween weekend and all, but after day two it was all good. Their system of orderly bottled fresh organic juices was super easy, just untwist and drink (about every two to three hours) which I liked and found really convenient. (Check out my fridge!) Although I thought they were all tasty, the cashew drink at the end of the day was my favorite.

What about you? Have you participated in a cleanse or do you ever fast? What about drinking green juice or smoothies? I would love to hear about it!

Want to try Ritual Cleanse maybe pre or post holidays? They are offering Black Eiffel readers a discount of 10% off through November 30th. Just enter BEreader at checkout. 

(I was not compensated for this post, I reviewed and did this cleanse because I was super excited about trying it, and normally do this kind of thing in my real life.)

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