Grant of Special Allowance for child care for women with disability.

No.12011/04/2008-Estt.(AL) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, P.G. & Pensions (Department of Personnel & Training) New Delhi...

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, P.G. & Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)

New Delhi, dated 26th September, 2011.


Subject:-Grant of Special Allowance for child care for women with disability.

   The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s O.M. No.12011/04/ 2008-Estt.(AL) dated 11th September, 2008 on the above subject and to state that this Department has been receiving references from various Departments seeking further clarifications. The doubts raised are clarified as under:

 Whether the women employees with

disabilities shall be entitled for allowance

at double the rates for multiple births

at the time of first child birth?
 No. In case of multiple births

at the time of first child birth,

 the woman employee shall not be

 entitled to this allowance at

 double the rates for multiple births.
 ii) Whether the allowance would be

admissible for the 3rd child in case first

 two children i.e. if the first child

 (or for that matter the 2’ child)

 expires before the attaining the

 age of two years?

 It is clarified that the grant of Special

Allowance for child care for women

 with disabilities is admissible for two

years from the birth of the child

so long as the woman employee

 does not have more than two surviving children.

Hindi version will follow.

(Vibha G. Mishra)

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