How to Change the Brakes on 1994 Ford Probe
Replacing the brakes when needed is an important aspect of caring for your 1994 Ford Probe. The Probe comes equipped with disc brakes, enhan...

Replacing the brakes when needed is an important aspect of caring for your 1994 Ford Probe. The Probe comes equipped with disc brakes, enhancing the braking power and safety of the vehicle. If the brake pads are not changed in time, the pads can wear down to the bare metal, damaging the rotors and other braking hardware. Changing the brakes on a 1994 Ford Probe should take no longer than 30 minutes in ideal conditions.
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Open the hood and disconnect the negative cable from the battery. Locate the brake master cylinder and open the reservoir. Use a turkey baster to remove 1/3 of the fluid from the reservoir. Properly dispose of the fluid and close the reservoir.
2Loosen the lug nuts on the front wheels with a lug wrench without removing them. Lift the front end of the Probe with a floor jack and secure it by lowering it onto jack stands. Finish removing the lug nuts and pull the front wheels off of the axle.
3Choose which side you want to start with first. Remember to only work on one side at a time, in order to keep track of the steps and the parts.
4Remove the two caliper mounting bolts with a ratchet and socket. Lift the caliper off of the brake disc and suspend it from a suspension component with mechanic's wire.
5Remove the brake pads from the caliper. Place one of the old pads against the caliper piston and use a C-clamp to push the piston back into the caliper.
6Insert the new brake pads on the caliper support plates and slide the caliper over the pads and the brake rotor. Tighten the caliper mounting bolts with a ratchet and socket. Repeat the process for the other front wheel.
7Remount the front wheels on the axle when finished. Insert the lug nuts onto the wheel studs by hand. Remove the jack stands and lower the front of the vehicle to the ground. Finish tightening the lug nuts with a lug wrench. Raise the rear of the vehicle with the floor jack and repeat the process for the rear brakes.
8Fill the brake master cylinder reservoir to the top mark. Reconnect the negative cable to the battery and close the hood. Start the Probe and pump the brake pedal five times to seat the brakes.