sick and sad

Woke up Fri feeling the crud. Achey running nose. Tired. Pissed off for being sick. It's not a real bad one, but how can I be sick I h...

Woke up Fri feeling the crud. Achey running nose. Tired. Pissed off for being sick. It's not a real bad one, but how can I be sick I haven't been doing anything for riding. How can my immune system be depressed so much. I can understand it after doing a hard block of 3 days or something. Than it is ok to get sick. you earned getting sick. This is just like a stab in the back.

I've been planning on racing up until a little while ago. It's 3am right now. The cold is keeping me up, that and the smell of dog poop waifting through the air...I'll get to that in a minute.

Fri night herded cats (coached K soccer) for an hour in the cold wind. Earlier today planing on racing. Packing the bag, changed workout to my traditional pre-race Sat workout:
On the trainer 1hr easy with a set of 5x1min on 1 min off
Really enjoy doing this pre-pre race warmup on the trainer. Tunes going, lots of visualization of pushing hard, being aggressive, thinking of the pain. And the 1bys give a good indicator of the legs, and help get the blood moving.

Last year the 1-bys were done at 300W, Earlier this year been doing them at 320W. Yesterday I did them at 340 and 350W. Say What! Now you can't go by the actual number but have to go by relative change. This is a 10% difference . It could be training effect, and my position has been pretty tweaked from the bike fit, and I've got a different rear tire on there, but calibration is the same. So my legs seem there, but the rest of me isn't mind and body.

Not a whole lot of support from home either more tension than Hey Ho You go get em.
Every hour the weather degrades. Snow advisory, temps in the sub 40s with High wind advisories putting wind chills at 30. Wind at 20+mph with gusts of 55mph plus. We get the same weather here and just lost this entry with a power outtage. Wind is howling at like 30mph with gusts into the 50s

Got a comment in an entry from two days ago. Got chastised for being a wuss. I appreciate the kick in the pants there. Was getting me psyched again. Like he said, weather shouldn't be a factor. And I think if I wasn't sick then it wouldn't be and I'd be 100% for it. But this half achy stuffed up soar throat thing makes it hard to commit fully. Just like downhilling, w/o commitment you usually stack it.

Back to the poop. Went out to Brother in laws to feed his girlfriends dog that he is watching while she moves. Cold wet in the 40s with high wind. Poor dog is visibly shivering. We can't leave her there. She is a sweetheart dog. So what can you do we bring her home.

Of course we take her outside and try to get her to do her business but nothing. It hadn't looked liked she'd eaten either. She proceeds to take a dump in my son's bedroom and pee. Clean that up, pull out the shampooer, etc.

Tried taking her outside several times, nothing. About 3am I hear her shuffling around, come downstairs to find another calling card in the family room. The lovely oder of dog poop helping to clear my sinuses. Sweet dog but dumb as a door stop. Apologies to all you out there, but Im just not a dog lover. For the most part, they chase me while riding, scare my kids, poop all over the place, and bark and keep me awake. Of course the dog loving qualities such as loyalty, unconditional love, and following you around do appeal to me quite a bit. That's why I love my cat so much. I hate most cats too, you know the hissy, haughty cats. But she is a Manx. Manx's are known as the dog lover's cat, in that their personality is the closest to a dog of any cat. Loyal, follow you around, protect the house, talk to you, protective. Kinda cool.

Well gonna try to get back to bed. We'll see how I feel tomorrow. Hopefully no more special surprises on the carpet.

Here's to self pitty and sulking! Cheers.

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