cold feet

My feet get cold a lot. Part of it is some circulation issues as I get hot foot (tingly) feeling all the time. Part of it is perpetually cl...

My feet get cold a lot. Part of it is some circulation issues as I get hot foot (tingly) feeling all the time. Part of it is perpetually clammy feet.

I've tried foot powder and antiperspirant for the claminess to no avail.

Orthotics have helped with the hot foot but they still get cold a lot.

If it's under 50 or it's windy, I wear these toe covers:

I've got some Lake waffle stompers that are very heavy. They are warm, but my feet still get cold in them once they have gotten clammy
I have to change my road pedals over to SPuDs to use them though.

With the road I've been trying some different things.
-One size bigger shoe.
-Wool socks. Woollie Bollies are a new favorite that I wear all the time actually. They help some in the cold but not as much as I'd hoped.

-Layering is the defacto standard for dealing with cold weather. Unless you wear shoes that are 3 sizes big it can be hard to layer the feet. So I'm going to layer on the outside of the shoe this time.

-I'm trying this strategy the next really cold day

-Shoe covers: These are the socklike things that you see time trialists wear.

(Longs Cycle has some)
**NOTE** you just cut a slit for your cleat, you don't cut a hole the size of your cleat.

-then a windproof outer cover. Windtex rules.


-And a chemical toe warmer packet in between.

I'm hoping this will get me to the bearable stage in the 25-30s.

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