New York to add plug in hybrids (PHEV) to the state fleet

New York will add plug-in hybrid vehicles (PHEVs) to the state fleet through conversion. Over 500 vehicles will be switched to plugging in ...

New York will add plug-in hybrid vehicles (PHEVs) to the state fleet through conversion. Over 500 vehicles will be switched to plugging in to cut down on emissions and for the higher mileage.

New York is spending 10 million dollars according to Governor Pataki to cut down on foreign energy dependence.

PHEVs are similar to hybrids in they switch from electric to gas to both energy sources to power the car. The battery is recharged through regenerative braking and by the gas engine. But they can also plug in to recharge the battery, usually at night. That way, they can go farther and faster on just battery power, cutting down on fuel costs and emissions.

Source: Capital News 9 | 24 Hour Local News | HEADLINES | Pataki announces hybrid vehicles | Pataki announces hybrid vehicles

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