Desktop virtualization: Top strategies and benefits
Beyond Server Consolidation: Bringing the Benefits of Virtualization to the Desktop: Desktop virt...

to the Desktop:
Desktop virtualization can increase PC and server utilization rates,
reduce costs through consolidation, and enhance productivity
throughout the organization. This white paper reviews the four main
types of desktop virtualization and shows you how to determine which
one will best enable you to reap the following benefits:
** Enhanced security: IT administrators have more control over data
access, company software is protected from risky programs, and
IT can isolate and secure sensitive data on notebook computers
** Improved IT management: IT can more effectively comply with
regulations and redeploy systems quickly in high-turnover
** Better system stability and reliability: virtual desktops are
easier to restore after a meltdown, and different applications
and operating systems can run side by side
Take the first step towards desktop virtualization and read this
white paper:
Sponsored by: CDW Corporation
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