Its the Energy Stupid!
I ran across this criticism of Architects and the green movement the other day.
I ran across this criticism of Architects and the green movement the other day.
It was written by Joseph Lstiburek; a renowned building science expert and royal smart ass. Many Architects and Engineers do not like Mr. Lstiburek because of his criticisms. I think mostly because he is all too often right; and he always has facts to back his claims up.
Lstiburek's basic criticism is this. Architects and Engineers are creating "Green Monuments". Buildings that are hailed Green and win awards; and yet they statistically are not saving any energy over their non-green counterparts.
I tend to agree with many of his criticisms. I have felt for some time that we get caught up in all the new exciting technology - so much so that we forget the basic principles of good environmental design that the Ancients knew, and that Edward Mazria re-taught us over 30 years ago. This is why I try to focus on the basics - see
I think our industry should be open to criticisms like his. If we really want to do good, then we should verify that we really are doing good; and just not convincing ourselves of it.