Saint Seiya Typing Ryu Sei Ken
Phoenix Ikki unlock and wallpapers : Complete Story Mode with Pegasus Seiya, Dragon Shiryu, Andromeda Hyoga Shun and Cygnus. Each time you f...

Phoenix Ikki unlock and wallpapers:
Complete Story Mode with Pegasus Seiya, Dragon Shiryu, Andromeda
Hyoga Shun and Cygnus. Each time you finish the game with a character
unlock wallpapers. Every time a defeat of San gold during Quizz
how to unlock wallpapers.
How to Unlock
Phoenix Ikki (character) - Beat Story Mode with Seiya, Shiryu, Shun Hyogo.
Wallpapers - Finish story mode with each character.
Wallpapers - Finish Quizz mode.