Brake Repair on a 2004 Audi A4 Quattro

Quattro is an all wheel drive system created by and used in Audi vehicles including the 2004 Audi A4. The all-wheel drive system is supporte...

Brake Repair on a 2004 Audi A4 Quattro

Quattro is an all wheel drive system created by and used in Audi vehicles including the 2004 Audi A4. The all-wheel drive system is supported by four wheel anti-lock disc brakes. To repair the Audi A4 disc brakes you will need to first diagnose the exact problem or component in disrepair. Once the target of your repair is recognized, you can perform the repair correctly with little previous experience.



    Park the Audi A4 in a location that will provide safety while changing the brake components. This location should be on a relatively flat surface, away from passing traffic.


    Loosen the lug nuts on the wheel of the brake that requires repair, with the lug wrench.


    Place the lifting jack beneath the frame of the Audi near the target brake. Lift the vehicle and place jack stands beneath the frame to support the car during the repair.


    Remove the lug nuts and the wheel from the wheel bolts.


    Pull the spring clip from the outside of the brake caliper with a pair of pliers.


    Remove the two caliper slide bolts with a 7 mm hex socket and ratchet.


    Pull the caliper from the caliper bracket and rotor.


    Disconnect the brake line from the caliper by screwing the fastener for the line at the point of their connection. Allow the brake line to hang over the drip pan to capture any leaking brake fluid.


    Remove the two bolts that hold the caliper bracket to the rotor using a 17 mm socket and ratchet. Pull the caliper bracket away from the rotor.


    Pull the rotor from the wheel bolts.


    Spray the new rotor with brake cleaner and wipe the entire rotor clean with a towel. Place the new rotor onto the wheel bolts.


    Slide the new brake pads into the new caliper. The pads fit on either side of the caliper walls.


    Connect the new caliper to the brake line and screw on the fastener that will hold the line to the caliper.


    Place the caliper bracket onto the rotor and screw in the 17 mm bolts with the socket and ratchet.


    Place the new caliper with new brake pads installed, onto the caliper bracket and screw in the caliper slide bolts with the 7 mm hex socket and ratchet.


    Replace the spring clip into the outside of the caliper with the pliers. The spring clip fits into the holes on the outside of the caliper.


    Replace the wheels onto the wheel bolts and screw on the lug nuts.


    Lift the Audi to remove the jack stands before lowering the vehicle to the ground.


    Tighten the lug nuts with the lug wrench.


    Press the brake pedal three times, holding the pedal down after the third depression for 15 seconds.


    Lift the hood of the Audi and remove the master cylinder cap. The cap is located near the windshield on the driver's side of the vehicle.


    Fill the master cylinder with brake fluid as needed. Replace the master cylinder cap and close the Audi's hood.

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