The Life Ark 4 Walkthrough

Welcome.I hope this a text and video Solution useful.Start this game With the rainbow I also clicked the cloud, got 3 shots of light, mine w...

The Life Ark 4 WalkthroughWelcome.I hope this a text and video Solution useful.Start this game
With the rainbow I also clicked the cloud, got 3 shots of light, mine where in the colour of the rainbow order, red, yellow blue so I just pushed the colours on the rainbow and it accepted it, but memory you then have to push the arms that come down to bring the new space ship up.

A nice game with good puzzles (i love puzzles)

3 puzzle games are not too hard
the first you can only click in that row or column the amount of the number on that row/column

The ABCD is like sudako, you have to have one of each in each row/colum/colour

The colour code is the easiest, the 2 parallel edges of each shape must be the same colour, so just keep clicking them starting from one point and moving around, easy solution

Just a matter of continuing to click the 2
I Know I Haven't Uploaded So Many Video Walkthroughs Lately! First Of All, Schools Are Opened And That Means Tests And Alot Of Homework, But The Other Thing Is That I've Been Sick For A Few Days Now, But I'll Try My Best To Bring You New Video Walkthroughs As Fast As I Can!

After 3 Successful Point 'n' Click Games, The Fourth Game Is Finally Here, With An Amount Of 3 Different Puzzles And Alot Of Clicks! Take On An Adventure To Space Where You Meet An Alien, And Co-Operate With Him To Save Yourself. Unfortunately He Sacrifices Himself In Order To Get You Home. Enjoy Playing This Great New Point And Click Game From FreeWorldGroup
Source: Escape Games 24

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