Sanity - Aiken's Artifact
Sanity - Aiken's Artifact PC Game Cheat Codes : During gameplay , press Enter, type any of the after "codes" of the press, an...

During gameplay, press Enter, type any of the
after "codes" of the press, and enter again:
Result Code
All necessities - mpjuiceme
Player level select - mpshipit
All talents - mpalltalents
God Mode - mptedthehead
All levels of player:
Enter mpshipit in the window of the chat window and press ENTER to
all single player levels available to play. After entering the trap
Press Code of the ESC key or click on the bar menu Active talent to take
to the game menu. From here, select Main Menu and then select Single
Player. Now select the chapters and then choose the chapter you want
game (Chapters 1 through 6). Finally, select the name of the level you want
to play and be fine in the game.
Press ENTER during gameplay and enter the cheat then press ENTER again!
MPTHEGOD "You have all the talents, a way of God and the surprise in this game
(bazzoka a weapon)!
* Before entering any battle, throw a shield of some type of
reduce the amount of damage you receive. Mental health is much more
abundant than health.
* Area of Grid-based attacks, such as binary and Star shower can be used to
attack the corners.
* Pushing enemies off ledges with Psionic Push is often smarter than
fight them in the head.
* Your sanity always be regenerated to a certain extent, so if
too close to zero, wait and let rejuvenate.
100% Santity and Health and all the essential elements:
Enter mpjuiceme in the window of the chat window and press ENTER. Back
in the game you will notice that your sanity and health are in meters
100% and also find all the items you need in the game.