Tasteless Ads Of The Day (NSFW-ish)
From Time.com, ten of the most inappropriate ads ever conceived. Inappropriate to them, that is. I like a couple of these. BURGER KING This ...

From Time.com, ten of the most inappropriate ads ever conceived. Inappropriate to them, that is. I like a couple of these.
This campaign, which ran in the otherwise straightlaced city-state of Singapore in the first half of 2009, makes possibly the least subtle allusion to oral sex of any ad that wasn't pasted to the inside of a pay telephone booth. While the pitch may only appeal
This campaign, which ran in the otherwise straightlaced city-state of Singapore in the first half of 2009, makes possibly the least subtle allusion to oral sex of any ad that wasn't pasted to the inside of a pay telephone booth. While the pitch may only appeal