Denial of Financial Upgradation under MACPS for those Sr.S.O.(A) / Sr.TIAs / Sr.ISAs recruited as Accounts Clerks (CG-II) – reg. --NFIR

No. IV / MACPS / 09 / Pt.3                               Dated – 15-04-2011  Secretary (E), Railway Board, New Delhi. Dear Sir, Sub: Denial ...

No. IV / MACPS / 09 / Pt.3     

                         Dated – 15-04-2011 
Secretary (E),

Railway Board,

New Delhi.

Dear Sir,

Sub: Denial of Financial Upgradation under MACPS for those Sr.S.O.(A)

/ Sr.TIAs / Sr.ISAs recruited as Accounts Clerks (CG-II) – reg.

Ref: Railway Board’s letter No. PC-V/2009/ACP/2 dated 10-06-2009.


Initially the policy for Direct Recruitment of Group ‘C’ cadre in Accounts  Department used to be for the posts of Accounts Clerk (CG-II) only. All those  recruited as Accounts Clerks (CG-II) were subjected to the Appendix-IIA (Departmental Examination) and on qualifying the same only they were given entry into the next grade of JAA (CG-I).

Since the year 1982 onwards, consequent upon introduction of revised recruitment policy additional channel of recruitment for the posts of JAA (CG-I) duly making the Appendix-IIA qualification as mandatory had taken place for absorption into the department as JAA (CG-I). Further channel of promotion in Accounts Department from JAA is to the non-selection post of Accounts Assistant (AA) based on seniority. The promotions to the post of S.O.(A)/TIA/ISA were granted only on qualifying the Appendix-IIIA examination conducted by Railway Board.

An anomaly has since arisen as the financial upgradation under MACPS introduced from 1st September, 2008 is not extended to those S.O.(A)/TIA/ISA who were recruited as CG-IIs and got entry to Grade of JAA (CG-I) after passing Appendix-IIA Examination.

In this connection, NFIR desires to state that qualifying Appendix-IIA is the milestone/turning point in the career for the Accounts Department staff either for the confirmation as JAA (from the year 1982 onwards for CG-I recruits)

or for the entry as JAA for those recruited as CG-II prior to 1982. In view of this, the entry into the grade of JAA on qualifying Appendix-II is required to be considered as recruitment stage for the purpose of MACP instead of CG-II entry  and financial upgradation should be allowed irrespective of the fact whether the entry was direct as CG-I (with Appendix-IIA as mandatory for continuance in the department) or from CG-II (getting entry only on qualifying Appendix-IIA).

The NFIR therefore requests the Railway Board to take into consideration the past recruitment policy and mandatory condition to pass Appendix Examinations and treat entry into the post of JAA (CG-I) as recruitment Pay Scale/Grade Pay for allowing MACP benefit to S.O.(A)/TIA/ISA who were initially recruitment as Accounts Clerks (CG-II).

Yours faithfully, 
General Secretary

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