Porsche 928 Turn Signal Problems

The Porsche 928 has four turn signals, two at the front of the vehicle and two at the rear. The turn signals on your Porsche 928 are importa...

Porsche 928 Turn Signal Problems

The Porsche 928 has four turn signals, two at the front of the vehicle and two at the rear. The turn signals on your Porsche 928 are important for safely driving your vehicle. If the turn signals malfunction, the problem is with the turn signal fuses or the bulbs. In either case, replacing the broken component solves the issue.

Front Turn Signal Bulbs

    If you find that only one of your front turn signals isn't working, then the issue is most likely with the bulb, as a blown-out turn signal fuse affects both bulbs. Replacing your front turn signal bulb is a simple process, although you will need a Phillips screwdriver and a replacement bulb. Use the Phillips screwdriver to remove the screws from the front of turn signal plastic trim. The turn signal light is the light on the outermost portion of the light assembly. Of the two front lights below the headlights, the turn signal light is the smaller one. Remove the plastic trim and remove the screws to take off the lens. Pull the lens off and the old bulb straight out of its socket. Install a replacement 1156-type bulb and reattach the lens, plastic trim and screws.

Rear Turn Signal Bulbs

    The same thing applies to the rear-signal lights; if only one light is out, the issue is with the bulb and not the fuse. Replace the rear turn signal bulb in a similar way to the front turn signal bulb. The rear turn signal light is the outermost light on the taillight assembly. Remove the screws with a Phillips screwdriver in order to take off the lens from the light. Pull the old bulb straight out and install a replacement 1156-type bulb by pushing it into the socket. Reattach the lens and the screws when done.


    Find the fuses for the turn signals in the passenger-side fuse block. To access the fuse block, remove the carpet from the passenger's side of the vehicle and lift up the panel to reveal the fuses. Slots 30, 31, 32 and 33 contain the turn-signal fuses. Use a fuse puller tool to remove any faulty fuse and replace it with a new 8A fuse. Reset the carpet when done.


    In order to prevent any accidental shocks, disconnect your Porsche's battery before replacing any electrical component. In addition, in order to prevent any damage to any of the halogen bulbs, always wear clean gloves or use a clean cloth when installing the bulbs. Using your bare hands can leave oils on the surface of the bulb, which may cause the formation of "hot spots," causing the bulb to fail sooner.

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