progress shot | front hall tile

We're almost done  fixing my front hall mistake!  The last time I showed you the front hall, I was debating between light and dark tile ...

We're almost done fixing my front hall mistake! The last time I showed you the front hall, I was debating between light and dark tile. Many of you liked the lighter colour. Even the sales woman at Satillio encouraged me to pick the light. But Mom, who I trust with all design decisions, and Aubrey - who is equally good at knowing what is right for our house - both loved the dark. And truthfully I thought it was the best choice too.

In our small house I felt that a lighter colour tile it would really break up the flow of the house. The darker makes it less obvious that we're ripped out hardwood to install tile. So...darker tile it was.  Here is Aubrey spacing it out prior to installing it later on that night. It hasn't yet been grouted, which we'll do in a little bit. I have to say, ripping out the hardwood and installing tile was a really great decision. It will be so much better come the winter when we have messy boots. Almost there!

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