48 hour two day General Strike: Confederation communication and Press Statement





NEW DELHI-110027

Website: confederationhq.blogspot.com.

email. confederation06@yahoo.co.in

PH:011 25105324CEN


Conf/23/2013 Dated: 25.2.2013

Dear Comrade,

                                     The 48 hour two day General Strike

                The two days strike, for which the call was given by the Joint Platform of Trade Unions in the country through the National Convention held at New Delhi on 4th September, 2012 was a tremendous success.  Not only the workers in the country but also common people supported the strike action in many States.  It is estimated by the Central Trade Unions that more than 10 crore workers might have participated in the strike.   In other words more than 50 crore people of the country supported the action.  The overwhelming response in the mightiest strike action  ever of the Indian working Class is indicative of the growing anger against the economic policies pursued by the Government.  There had been constant and continuous increase in the prices of basic needs of the common people i.e. food items, gas, diesel, gas, coal electricity etc. in the last two years.  The inflation in the economy continued unabated despite the assurance held out by the rulers, as a matter of course. to contain it.

Every decision of the UPA II Government has fuelled the inflation in the economy and consequent rise in prices of all essential commodities.  Despite the lathi charge and arrest of the workers in certain parts of the country, the strike had been by far peaceful.  Leader  of the Haryana Roadways Corporation affiliated to AITUC was killed in Ambala Transport Depot in a tragic incident when the Transport authorities decided to take a bus from the depot against the opposition of the workers. Most of the State Governments especially the TMC led West Bengal State Govt. Did their best to suppress the strike action without success.  

All vital sectors viz. Bank, Insurance, Central and State Government offices, Industrial Establishments, Ports and Docks, Surface Transport except Railways and Airlines, Power  etc. remained paralysed.  The Central Government employees on the call of the Confederation of CGE and workers responded magnificently.  There had been apprehension of the extent of participation in the two day strike action especially after the one day strike on 12.12.2012 on the 15 point charter of demands.  The report we have received at the CHQ proves that the apprehension was totally misplaced and the number of employees who participated in the 20th and 21st Feb. 2013 was more than we could elicit on 12th December. 2012.  No doubt in some of the organisation, the strike participation on comparison with 12th December, was less.  But this has been more than made up by the other organisation who could improve their position of participation on 20th and 21st.  We append hereunder the Press Statement we issued on 21st Feb. on the basis of the reports we have received through telephone and SMS.

The unprecedented participation of workers in the strike had been the manifestation of the people's resentment  to the economic policies of the Government which has virtually made the poor poorer and the rich richer. They have asserted in no uncertain terms that these policies must be reversed at all cost for India to remain a sovereign republic.  The recent decisions of the Government to allow FDI in Pension, and increase FDI foray  in the Banking and Insurance Sector will bring back the country to serfdom.  The struggle will have to continue and the campaign against the policies must pick up further momentum in the months to come.

There had been continuous propaganda by the Government through electronic media that the Government employees do not have the right to strike and not only "dies non" but disciplinary action will also be taken against the striking employees.  It has been proved on a number of occasions that the vindictive actions will be resorted to by the Government when the unity is disrupted and the strike participation for one reason or other dwindle.  The greatest safeguard against such barbarous  and vindictive actions is to preserve our unity and determination and tread the path of struggle with cent per cent participation.  Campaign amongst the mass of the employees to bring home the pernicious impact of the economic policies in the day to day life and standard of living is a pre-requisite for the success of the strike action.  Wherever, this has been done,  it has paid rich dividends.

We must review the two day strike action as soon as possible.  Since the Conference of the Confederation  is due in the month of April, it may not be possible to convene the National Executive meeting immediately.   We are planning to meet in the Sectt. and in order to enable us to conduct a proper review,  we need the following information both from the State Committees and the Central HQrs of the affiliated Association.  The format is given in the annexure to this communication.  Kindly ensure that the reports are sent to us by 10th March, 2013.

                With greetings and once again conveying our sincere gratitude and congratulations to all the affiliates, State Committees and the Active workers and leaders who made the strike a magnificent success.

                With greetings and once again conveying our sincere gratitude and congratulations to all the affiliates, State Committees and the Active workers and leaders who made the strike a magnificent success.

Yours fraternally,

K.K.N. Kutty

Secretary General



NEW DELHI-110027

email. confederation06@yahoo.co.in

PH:011 25105324


About 8 lakhs Central Government employees took part in the 48 hour (two day)  general strike yesterday and today organised by the Indian working class as per the call of the Joint platform of 11 Central Trade Unions of the country.  Besides 5 lakh Defence Civilian employees are also reported to have participated in this historic action.

The Strike was total and cent per cent in Income tax and Postal departments.  The participation ranged from 60 to 90% in other Government of India organisations except in the Central Secretariat.  As per the report, the strike was total in Assam, Tripura, West Bengal, Orissa, Bihar Andhra Pradesh, Tamilnadu, Kerala, Chhattisgarh and 60 to 70% in Rajasthan, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana and partial in other States.

In Delhi, the Income tax and RMS offices of the Postal Department virtually remained closed.  Not a single employee reported for duty in these offices.  Many offices of the Civil Accounts and Post offices in Delhi also did not function on these two days.

Many establishments of Printing and Stationery, Indian Bureau of Mines, Geological Survey of India, Medical Depots, Customs, Ground Water Board, ISRO, Directorate of Marketing Inspection, Civil Accounts, Central Public Works Department remained closed throughout the country on both the days.

The National Secretariat of the Confederation places on record its sincere gratitude and appreciation of the efforts undertaken by the State/Branch level leaders to make this historic action of the Indian working class a resounding success by eliciting the total participation of the Central Government employees.  The success of the two days strike action will no doubt embolden the employees and workers to chalk out intensified action programme including indefinite strike action to compel the Govt. to rescind the anti people economic policies pursued since 1991.

K.K.N. Kutty

Secretary General.

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