8 Famous People Who Died In The Bathroom
Adding indignity to injury. From HowStuffWorks.com. ELVIS Elvis's addiction to prescription drugs was well known, and on August 16, 1977...
Adding indignity to injury. From HowStuffWorks.com.
Elvis's addiction to prescription drugs was well known, and on August 16, 1977, he was found dead on the bathroom floor in his Graceland mansion. A vomit stain on the carpet showed that he had become sick while seated on the toilet and had stumbled to the spot where he died. A medical examiner listed the cause of death as cardiac
Elvis's addiction to prescription drugs was well known, and on August 16, 1977, he was found dead on the bathroom floor in his Graceland mansion. A vomit stain on the carpet showed that he had become sick while seated on the toilet and had stumbled to the spot where he died. A medical examiner listed the cause of death as cardiac