Notification of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan to function as Model School Organization (MSO)-KVS

KENDRIYA V1DYALAYA SANGATHAN  18 Institutional Area, Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg New Delhi110 016  CN No 04 No. F.11029 -6/2012-KVSHQ (Admn.-I) ...


18 Institutional Area, Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg

New Delhi110 016

 CN No 04 No. F.11029 -6/2012-KVSHQ (Admn.-I)

Date: 11.02.2013


In pursuance of Ministry of HRD, Department of School Education & Literacy, Government of India, Office Memorandum No. F. 2-1/2008-Sch.1 (MS)(Vol.V) dated 21.01.2013 approval of the Hon'ble Human Resource Development Minister-cum-Chairman, KVS is hereby accorded for notification of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan to function as Model School Organization (MSO) with immediate effect till setting up of a separate Model School Organization by the Ministry.

As per the approved scheme, a separate Organization called "Model School Organization (MSO)" to be set up by the Ministry of HRD will be responsible for guidance, school inspection, regulatory issues and quality aspects in respect of 2500 Model Schools to be set up under Public Private Partnership (PPP) Mode. These schools are to be setup in blocks other than educationally backward blocks by Ministry of HRD. Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan will function as MSO for the purpose of entering into initial set of concession agreements in respect of 500 Model Schools and to manage and administer the agreements thereon under PPP component of Model School Scheme.

Orders regarding setting up of a MSO Cell in KVS (Headquarters) are being issued separately.

Hindi version follows.


(G.K. Srivastava) 

Additional Commissioner (Admn.& Vig.)


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