10 Important Seo Terms for every Webmasters

10 Important Seo Terms for every Webmasters Seo terms   are mostly used by webmasters.   Search engine marketing   is the important thing f...

10 Important Seo Terms for every Webmasters

Seo terms are mostly used by webmasters. Search engine marketing is the important thing for online marketing. Every one tries to make money on internet. How it’s possible by blogging? Do you have little knowledge about internet? If you say yes, why you want to wait to start your online money earning. Blogging is one of the easy way to earn a lot. If you are a blogger, you want to know basic Search Engine Optimization and important Seo terms. Then only you will success on your blogging. Normally all webmasters use short names for Seo terms. Here we discus about some important SEO terms.

What is SEO?

Search Engine Optimization is a standard practices to index your website urls on the natural organic search results. Every Search engines use different algorithms to index web pages. Basically Search engines automatically index new web pages. But its take particular time. You also can manually root your web page urls to Search engines. It’s called Search engine submission.
important Seo terms and definitions

Seo Terms and Definitions

SEM – Search engine marketing. This is divide two options. One is SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and other one is PPC (Pay per Click). Seo is standard Search engine optimization. Ppc is for purchasing ad clicks on Search engine results.
Keywords – Keywords are the important things on blogging. Every ware you want to use keywords for Search engine ranking specially on Title, Meta description, Meta keyword, Headings, Image alt tab and anchor texts. When you write an article you want to maintain the keyword Density. This is an important Search engine factor.
Sitemap – Sitemap is an xml / html file, which helps to submit your web pages to Search engines. Major Search engines are using xml sitemaps and some other Search engines are using html sitemaps. There are so many plug-ins andwebsites are available for creating site maps. Then you can upload this sitemap files (xml / html) to your server and submit on Search engine webmaster tools.
Robots.txt – This is a power full txt file to control the Search engine crawler. This txt file is store on your server root directory. You can edit this file and restrict your web files and folders.
Web crawler – This is a program for index new files and links to Search engine. This crawler read your web pages and discovers new results. Also its call as Spider.
Do follow / No follow – This is attribute use on link building. When you create a back link you can use these two methods. Do follow back links are Search engine friendly and increase your Search results. Search engine crawler cannot pass the no follow attribute. So the back link also not read by the Search engine spider.
Back links – This is the important on off page Seo. Back links boost your search engine rank and visitors. There are several methods are use for link building – Guest posting, forum posting, blog commenting, social bookmarking and etc.
Social bookmarking – This also like link building. There are so many social bookmarking sites are available on internet. You can register and create your bookmarks.
Page rank – Page rank is an algorithm use by Google. Google estimate importance of the web page, web page quality and back links for give page rank.
What is Page rank
Alexa rank – Alexa is the internet ranking provider. ALexa use some methods and give rank for all websites. Alexa rank is important for your online marketing.
We will discus other Seo terms on next article.

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