Hot tub anytime anywhere...

With the Dutchtub® you can go explore and enjoy the essence of outdoor bathing. This award-winning hot tub is a pure luxury and works surp...

With the Dutchtub® you can go explore and enjoy the essence of outdoor bathing. This award-winning hot tub is a pure luxury and works surprisingly simple: wood fired and with a natural circulation. With this smart construction and the sturdy, long-lasting materials you can use the Dutchtub® anytime, anywhere...

The Dutchtub® is a wood fired outdoor hot tub: a fire in the coil warms the water in the tub. Natural circulation causes the colder water at the bottom of the Dutchtub® to go in the spiral, heat up and flow out at the top. The Dutchtub® is made from high-quality polyester: a sturdy and long-lasting material. The polyester is also weatherproof and colorfast so the tub can stay outdoors all year round.  The spiral is made of  chemical-  and weatherproof stainless steel, also used for wind turbines at sea.

 For more information about this cool hot tub contact Gallery Showroom.


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