How to improve the on page Seo

How to improve the on page Seo On page Seo optimization   is the important part of search engine optimization. On page SEO   is making sure...

How to improve the on page Seo

On page Seo optimization is the important part of search engine optimization.On page SEO is making sure your website/ blog as search engine friendly. On page optimization had the html code of your website, meta tags, anchor text links and keyword placement. So you can optimize the onpage seo and got natural traffic from search engines. If your website is not optimized on page seo well, you have less chance to display on natural search engine result.
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What is on page seo

On page seo is simply edit your own web page content. Mostly it’s depending on the keywords. Keywords selection is the main part of on page seo. You do somekeyword research and maintain your web page content with highly valuable keywords. It’s really increase your website’s search engine rank.

On page seo tips

Here we discus some important on page seo tips. Your website must be validating with W3S html validator. Make sure that you have unique content on every webpage. These are always increasing your search engine rank and increase the visitors to your website. Now we verify the important steps one by one.
Title tag – Every Search engines are first notice the TITLE tag of the website / webpage. You select the valuable keyword / keyword phrase on title tag. You maintain the title tag within 70 characters. Because major search engines are read first 70 characters on title tag.
Url tag – Url is the second valuable tag. This appears on the address bar. You must select the suitable keyword for the url tag.
Meta tag – Here we consider Meta description tag and Meta keyword tag. Major search engines (Google, Bing) read only the description part. But some other search engines (Aol search) read the keyword part. Meta description tag is limit with 160 characters. You can use five to seven words on Meta keyword tag.
H1 – H3 – Next thing is headings. Headings tags also search engine friendly. You can use H1 – H3.
Bold and Italic – This text styles also search engine friendly. Don’t forget to give text styles to important keywords / key phrase.
Keyword phrase – On your website content, you can use Keyword phrase.Keyword phrases are more valuable rather than a single keyword. Mostly users type Keyword phrases on search engines to get certain results quickly. You can use keyword phrases with bold, italic text styles. It’s will increase your website as search engine friendly.
Internal links – When you create a internal link on your website, you can select a keywords / key phrase as anchor text. These anchor texts also will index on search results.
Image optimization – Images are important for a website. Image name andimage alter tags are index on image search results. So optimize your website images using suitable keywords.
Robert text – This is a small text document you want to put it on your server. You can control the search engine with single line script. The Robert text file is help you to which web pages are want to index on which search engines.
Sitemap – Sitemap creation is one of the on-page seo method for search engine submission. Here you want to create an xml file and submit it through thewebmaster tools (Google, Bing). Some search engines use ror file / text files for sitemap (yahoo).

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