How To Submit Blogger Sitemap To Google Through Google Webmaster Tools

How To Submit Blogger Sitemap To Google Through Google Webmaster Tools Submitting sitemap to Google is the best way to increase your traffi...

How To Submit Blogger Sitemap To Google Through Google Webmaster Tools

Submitting sitemap to Google is the best way to increase your traffic. It means to send request to search engine for the indexation of your blog's all posts and pages in search engine. Google is the most popular search engine and number of WebPages indexed by Google is uncountable. To make Google find, index and rank your site you need to submit your sitemap of your site to Google Webmaster Tools. Google Webmaster is a good SEO tool you may know. You could also keep track of your sites statistics with the help of Google Webmaster Tools. As a new blogger you may not know how to submit your blogger sitemap to Google Webmaster Tools. Here I am trying to show how you can submit your Blogger blog to the giant search Engine – Google through Google Webmaster Tools.

Steps are as Bellow:

  1. Sign in to Webmaster Tools with your Gmail id and password.

Google webmaster tools
Google Webmaster Tools
  1. Click on any of your blog which's sitemap you want to submit.
  2. Click 'Optimization' and then go to 'Sitemaps'.
  3. Click on "Add/Test Sitemap".
    Add sitemap
  4. Use as your blogger sitemap; where red section is the name of your blog.
  5. Copy and paste the blue section of your sitemap in the space provided.
  6. Click on Submit Sitemap and refresh the page. You are done!!!
Sitemap of your Blog is submitted to google through google webmaster tools. Your webpages are now submitted and waiting to be indexed.

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