How to write Seo articles with keyword phrase

How to write Seo articles with keyword phrase How to write Seo articles?   I list some important effective methods to write Search engine f...

How to write Seo articles with keyword phrase

How to write Seo articles? I list some important effective methods to write Search engine friendly articles. Freelancers and web writers want to know about search terms and keyword phrase for write Seo articles. Then only your words will be visible on Search engine result.
Write SEO Articles with Keywords

Keyword research for Seo articles

Before you start to write the article, you must do some keyword research. This is an important fact and really helpful to write a worth Seo friendly article. Googleadword keyword tool is help to find low competition keywords and also you can find number of searches come from country wise. Here you can check long tail keywords also. Chose enough gain keyword / keyword phrase for your article writing. This will make good traffic to your blog.

Title tag optimization and Meta data

After the keyword research you want to select natural title tag for your article. Use your keyword and make it sense. Title is the important thing for a blog post. Better to start your title with the keyword. This more value for Search engine ranking because Search engine crawler pick up your title as an important part of the Seo article. Then you consider your Meta description. Better to include your keywords on Meta data. This makes sense Search engine optimization of the article.

Optimize your article Headings

Heading tags also important for the Search engine optimization. Use suitable heading for write Seo articles. Headings make a rich look to your article and make Seo friendly. So don’t forget to use your keywords / keyword phrase on the heading tags.

Write quality unique content

Unique words and sentence are more valuable for write Seo article. Search engines always like unique quality contents for rank your search results. Your article wants be look natural. When you chose article title on your favorite topic / good knowledgeable area you can use your experience and write high quality Seo friendly article. Your article wants to engage your readers and looks natural for Search engines.

How to check Keyword density

How many times you use your keyword on the article. This is the point to check your keyword density. There are so many tools are available to check your keyword density.

Get quality do follow back link from author bio box

Finally you come to author bio box. Here you can get a do follow back link to your blog / website. Also you can share your social media profiles like facebook, google plus. This is the way for readers contact with you.
Spin your articles to improve ranking
This is not good. But more people use this technique. When you finished the article writing, Spin your article using online spinners and submit that articles to different article directories. This gives more SEO benefit for your blog.

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