Windows Deployment (Capture & Install Windows 7)

It is helpful to capture windows with all installed software and deploy it in any blank/fresh PC so the new PC will be ready with pre instal...

It is helpful to capture windows with all installed software and deploy it in any blank/fresh PC so the new PC will be ready with pre installed software. This process skips hardware compatibility integration for different PC's.


Windows PE disk. To know more about how to create WinPE disk follow this link.


Step 1: 

Create reference machine with all the required software. i.e. install all required software you need.(Note. do not use any running PC. use fresh one to avoid mistake)

Step 2: 

Remove the SID (Security Identifier) of reference/source PC. If you don't know then read how to remove SID.

Step 3: 

Now boot the PC with PE disk.

Step 4: 

Capture windows with IMAGEX tool

Go to Run >> type "CMD" and press enter
>> verify the windows drive
>> then go to CD Rom drive where imagex tool is already saved.

>> [cd rom drive]:\> imagex.exe [space] /capture[space][Windows drive i.e. the drive to be captured][space][destination drive]\[file.wim][space]"[image name of boot menu][space]compress[space]fast[enter]

for example 

D:\> imagex.exe [space] /capture [space]e:[space]c:\abc.wim[space]"Windows 7"[space]compress[space]fast[enter]

Step 5:

Start reference/source PC normally and put "*.wim" file in a shared folder.

Step 6: Installation on blank PC

Boot with PE disk >> assign IP address according to source PC >> then type in CMD prompt:
C:\> netsh [space] int [space] set [space]address [space]local [space]static [space]ip address(for example [space]subnet mask (for example

Now mount the shared folder in this blank PC as a local drive/MAP drive

C:\> net [space]use [space]z: [space] \\ \ test [press enter]
type user name: [computer name] \ user [press enter]
type password: [password] [press enter]

Step 7: Create drive in bank PC

C:\> diskpart [press enter]
diskpart> select [space] disk [space] 0(zero) [press enter]
diskpart> clean [press enter]
,,> Create [space] partition [space] primary [space] size=1000 [press enter]
,,> select [space] partition [space] 1  [press enter]
,,> format [space] fs = ntfs [space] lebel = "system"  [press enter]
,,> assign [space] letter = C [press enter]
,,> create [space] partition [space] primary [press enter]
,,> select  [space] partition 2 [press enter]
,,> format [space] fs = ntfs [space] lebel = "Windows" [space]  quick [press enter]
,,> assign [space]  latter = C [press enter]
,,> list [space]  disk [press enter]
,,> exit [press enter]

Step 8:

go to CD Rom drive to deploy Windows
C:\>d: [press enter]
d:\> imagex.exe [space] /apply [space] Z:\[installation image.wim] [space] 1[for 32 bit windows  use 1 for 64 bit use 0] e: [press enter]
Step 9: Mounting of Windows
to inbuilt into boot menu  use followings
e:\>windows\system32 >> bcdboot [space]e:\windows [press enter]

bcd boot = boot configuration data

See Video Tutorial Part 1 :

See Video Tutorial Part 2:
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