Windows Deployment (Capture & Install Windows 7)
It is helpful to capture windows with all installed software and deploy it in any blank/fresh PC so the new PC will be ready with pre instal...
It is helpful to capture windows with all installed software and deploy it in any blank/fresh PC so the new PC will be ready with pre installed software. This process skips hardware compatibility integration for different PC's.
Go to Run >> type "CMD" and press enter
>> verify the windows drive
>> then go to CD Rom drive where imagex tool is already saved.
>> [cd rom drive]:\> imagex.exe [space] /capture[space][Windows drive i.e. the drive to be captured][space][destination drive]\[file.wim][space]"[image name of boot menu][space]compress[space]fast[enter]
for example
D:\> imagex.exe [space] /capture [space]e:[space]c:\abc.wim[space]"Windows 7"[space]compress[space]fast[enter]
--> Requirements:
Windows PE disk. To know more about how to create WinPE disk follow this link.Procedures:
Step 1:
Create reference machine with all the required software. i.e. install all required software you need.(Note. do not use any running PC. use fresh one to avoid mistake)Step 2:
Remove the SID (Security Identifier) of reference/source PC. If you don't know then read how to remove SID.Step 3:
Now boot the PC with PE disk.Step 4:
Capture windows with IMAGEX toolGo to Run >> type "CMD" and press enter
>> verify the windows drive
>> then go to CD Rom drive where imagex tool is already saved.
>> [cd rom drive]:\> imagex.exe [space] /capture[space][Windows drive i.e. the drive to be captured][space][destination drive]\[file.wim][space]"[image name of boot menu][space]compress[space]fast[enter]
for example
D:\> imagex.exe [space] /capture [space]e:[space]c:\abc.wim[space]"Windows 7"[space]compress[space]fast[enter]
Step 5:
Start reference/source PC normally and put "*.wim" file in a shared folder.Step 6: Installation on blank PC
Boot with PE disk >> assign IP address according to source PC >> then type in CMD prompt:C:\> netsh [space] int [space] set [space]address [space]local [space]static [space]ip address(for example [space]subnet mask (for example
Now mount the shared folder in this blank PC as a local drive/MAP drive
C:\> net [space]use [space]z: [space] \\ \ test [press enter]
type user name: [computer name] \ user [press enter]
type password: [password] [press enter]
Step 7: Create drive in bank PC
C:\> diskpart [press enter]diskpart> select [space] disk [space] 0(zero) [press enter]
diskpart> clean [press enter]
,,> Create [space] partition [space] primary [space] size=1000 [press enter]
,,> select [space] partition [space] 1 [press enter]
,,> format [space] fs = ntfs [space] lebel = "system" [press enter]
,,> assign [space] letter = C [press enter]
,,> create [space] partition [space] primary [press enter]
,,> select [space] partition 2 [press enter]
,,> format [space] fs = ntfs [space] lebel = "Windows" [space] quick [press enter]
,,> assign [space] latter = C [press enter]
,,> list [space] disk [press enter]
,,> exit [press enter]
Step 8:
go to CD Rom drive to deploy WindowsC:\>d: [press enter]
d:\> imagex.exe [space] /apply [space] Z:\[installation image.wim] [space] 1[for 32 bit windows use 1 for 64 bit use 0] e: [press enter]
Step 9: Mounting of Windows
to inbuilt into boot menu use followings
e:\>windows\system32 >> bcdboot [space]e:\windows [press enter]
bcd boot = boot configuration data
See Video Tutorial Part 1 :
See Video Tutorial Part 2:
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