Did my first attemp at sprints this morning. 4 sets of 4x 15 sec on 15 off. 60seconds off between sets Protocol: -On my Tacx Flow -From co...

Did my first attemp at sprints this morning.
4 sets of 4x 15 sec on 15 off. 60seconds off between sets
-On my Tacx Flow
-From complete stop
-set to slope mode (Can't do the mode where you set a to a set wattage, because when you stop pedaling, the electro brake maxes out so it's like hitting a wall at the start)
-accelerate to 130-140rpm. Hold as best as I can for 15sec.
Painful and pitiful.
To be expected. It takes me a few weeks to adapt to new workouts. My legs are sore from yesterday's unexpected difficulty. I have to be careful to not overdo it. I'm going to 'try' to go easy tomorrow for a little bit.
4 sets of 4x 15 sec on 15 off. 60seconds off between sets
-On my Tacx Flow
-From complete stop
-set to slope mode (Can't do the mode where you set a to a set wattage, because when you stop pedaling, the electro brake maxes out so it's like hitting a wall at the start)
-accelerate to 130-140rpm. Hold as best as I can for 15sec.
Painful and pitiful.
To be expected. It takes me a few weeks to adapt to new workouts. My legs are sore from yesterday's unexpected difficulty. I have to be careful to not overdo it. I'm going to 'try' to go easy tomorrow for a little bit.