i'm back....

well i am back from my pity party and i have to say 'fantasy' spring break rocked. it was nice to have a week w/out the commitment ...

well i am back from my pity party and i have to say 'fantasy' spring break rocked. it was nice to have a week w/out the commitment of writing but at the same time, seeing everyone who left such nice comments made me realize why i love doing this. thanks so much! they put a smile on my face...but i promise my break wasn't a plot to "fish" for compliments...it was just to take some time off!
i did get a lot of work done last week which was great. and it was sunny enough to go the beach of sat w/ the tot. i can't believe i am even admitting to this but prior to us going to the beach, we stopped by the ultra tacky beach shop by our house to pick up an umbrella (now that we have a kid, we have to start acting like adults)...i tried to talk my husband into buying one of those beach wagons so we could pack all of our goodies in there (diaper bag, sand toys, cooler, umbrella, kid) but we didn't want to go overboard in supporting the tourist shop.
taylor really enjoyed the beach...she didn't seem to mind the sand that covered every inch of her body or eating it. and the hour that we were there was a great "family bonding experience"...then she was over it...and so we packed up our tacky beach gear and headed home and "spring break" was officially over...no wild stories, no tattoo or bellybutton piercing, and no hangover....

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