Lightning storm!!

Holy smokes!! Well, fortunately, not literally, but way too close for comfort. We had an after work bbq yesterday in Boulder. Hubby came ou...

Holy smokes!! Well, fortunately, not literally, but way too close for comfort.

We had an after work bbq yesterday in Boulder. Hubby came out as well. It was a beautiful and hot day, perfect for being in the yard with a burger and cold drink. It was a 4:00 - 7:00 deal but hubby and I hung around a little later to socialize with our friends who were hosting. About 8:00 or so, I thought I saw some lightning in the distance but it was one of those deals where I wasn't sure if that's what I saw or not. It wasn't dark yet and the sky was pretty clear over head. The time came when we decided to mosey on home - about 25 miles or so.

Hubby was in the car as he'd come from work. I was on the moto. As we are standing around saying our goodbye's I was certain now that there was lightning some where around us but still over us the sky was clear. We headed out and as we make the turn out of their neighborhood and face south the sky is a dark black blue color off to the west. Still, not raining, not close and not very much lightning and none hitting the ground. But, since that's the general direction we are headed, I pull over to put my rain gear on. Hubby says, well, we shouldn't dawdle.

Before leaving we'd settled on the most direct route home which is west and then south. After putting on the rain gear, I decided that was too close to the dark ominous clouds and instead took the south-easterly route. The first route takes us through some flat open space. The second would take us into town where there are taller buildings and more cars. I didn't think being the tallest thing on the road would work to my advantage. Plus, on the highway I can go about 75 mph and actually get home faster. So, off we went on highway 36.

We take our exit for home which is about 112th and Wadsworth. We need to go south to 64th and turn west (towards the storm and home). We could go west at any point really but by this time the storm is much closer. I want to stay as far away from it as I can. Now, the lightning is definitely hitting the ground to the west, my right. I push on now as we are just a few miles from home at this point. It isn't even raining yet but I can smell it. (Not good.) Then the sky lights up to my right. Not one huge bolt but the sky turns white. I duck instinctively. Or maybe it's fear. Anyway, I sort of tuck down on the bike without realizing it. After a while I tell myself to relax and focus. There are still cars around me and Wadsworth is a very busy road. It's now raining a little but not so much to worry about. I hardly even notice the rain.

Finally we reach 64th avenue and make the right turn. From here we are about a 2 mile drive through the neighborhood from home. It's a left, then a right, then a left, another right, left again right turn, right turn, left and home. At the first left, the sky turns white again, this time with thunder. I tuck down again and hit the throttle. I make the right turn but just before the next left, a HUGE bolt of lightning followed immediately by a LOUD clap of thunder. I ducked again and swear out loud and hit the throttle. At the corner I have to wait for a couple of turning cars. At this point I'm completely freaked out. Home is a few blocks away. I make that turn, stop at the next stop sign as it is a blind intersection, hit the throttle, blow through the next stop sign (its a 3 way and nothing is around), hit the throttle again, go two blocks, slowly realize it is now actually raining, slow to the next right, make the immediate left onto our street, and look for oncoming cars as I try to hit the garage door opener in my pocket. More thunder and lightning are surrounding me. I didn't get the opener to work so I pull into the driveway between our two large trees and the dead Bronco, open the garage door and duck in under it.

I must have left hubby in my dust because he didn't pull up until I'd shut off the bike and gotten off. I stood there for a bit while he walked up to me. He says, "That last one was probably 1000 feet from us!" I think I said carp or something, but mainly just stared at him. Then he looks at me and says, "Are you alright?" I said, "Yes." Then I said the F word really loudly.

We went inside and his daughter and her boyfriend were standing in the living room waiting for us. She'd text us about the storm but we were already on the road at that point. They said the house shook with that last one. I think I just said the F word again and just stood there shaking. I took my gear off and kind of shook off the events. Then all of a sudden, the sky opened up and rain came down as if we were living in the south. I think I said the F word again as we looked out the window at it.

After I calmed down a bit, I asked hubby what we should have done differently. He thought we did the best we could under the circumstances. We had no idea how bad it was or even that the storm was out there. We were so close to home, and it wasn't really raining, that he didn't think stopping was necessary. I felt the same way as we were traveling. I kept thinking, we're almost home. The problem was, and we didn't really know it, the storm was worse directly over our house. So the closer we got to home the closer we got to danger. But, I just kept thinking, we're almost home.

Thinking about it now, if I'd known how bad it really was, I would have stayed in Boulder or left the bike there at my friends' house. That was an option but one we didn't think necessary at the time under their clear skies.

I have never ever been so terrified. Even now, recounting the story, I feel like I seriously dodged it. Or maybe I am shaking because I had too much caffeine this morning. I think it might be a little of both.
I drove to work today. Afternoon storms are forecast. They weren't yesterday.


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