How to Wire a DSM Coil-on-Plug

A coil-on plug modification alters the ignition coil on the cylinders of your vehicle's engine. The purpose of a coil-on plug is to impr...

A coil-on plug modification alters the ignition coil on the cylinders of your vehicle's engine. The purpose of a coil-on plug is to improve the ignition system's durability by reducing the number of wires and sparks caused by misfire. This will reduce any damage that can be caused to your engine by faulty plug wires. The DSM coil-on plug uses one plug for every two cylinders. Wiring the DSM plug is tricky because the plugs need to be connected in a certain order for the ignition cylinders to function properly.



    Open the hood of your vehicle. Locate the ignition cylinders of the vehicle in your engine compartment.


    Disconnect your vehicle's battery using a socket wrench.


    Lift up the DSM coil-on plug and locate the wires of each of the four coil components. Each coil component should be labeled and have two wires: an upper wire and a lower wire.


    Connect the lower wire of the first coil to the upper wire of the fourth coil with a soldering iron. Connect the lower wire of the second coil to the top wire of the third coil. Connect the upper wires of the first and second coil and the lower wires of the third and fourth coils. Wrap all of the connections with electrical tape to secure them. You should now have four free wires.


    Pull off the triangular connection from the ignition coil pack on the ignition cylinders. There should be three wires: a red wire, a black wire and a blue or green wire, depending on your vehicle.


    Connect the red wire to the connected upper wires of the first and second coil with a soldering iron. Connect the blue wire to the lower wire of the fourth coil. Connect the green or black wire to the lower wire of the third coil. Wrap all wires in electrical tape.


    Install the DSM coil-on plug plate onto the ignition cylinders, making sure to secure the bolts with a socket wrench. Reconnect the battery and close the hood.

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