I am off to Halifax for the night to celebrate my friend Virginia's 30th (Happy Birthday V!). You know how I love to read blogs so I tho...

I am off to Halifax for the night to celebrate my friend Virginia's 30th (Happy Birthday V!). You know how I love to read blogs so I thought I'd leave you with some links to my favorite posts and finds of the week.

Adventures in Renovating a Brooklyn Limestone has 18 guests blogging about a favorite room in their house. While you are there, check out her own home. It is stunning! *Note the frame around the TV above. It makes the tv over the fireplace a little more bearable. 

DECO my place is my new discovery. It is a site where you can upload photos of your home or view other people's interiors from around the world. I haven't added my own photos but have been inspired my many others. Seeing inside other homes is my guilty pleasure :)

I really love penny round tiles. I love them in white and in black. But I can't decide if I like this bathroom. Can there be too many pennies? As much as I love them I think I must say yes, it's too many. Although, it has come along way from those before photos!

This little girls' bedroom from Full House. I can't believe it was done for $250. It makes a difference if you are a good thrifter and can sew.

I grew up with Blue Boy and Pinkie in our dining room. With every makeover the prints went back up. One of my favorite bloggers Kristen at 6th Street Design School has put them up in her bedroom. I think they look pretty cool! Although, I'll admit I'm not running over to my parents to snag them.

Next week it is back to the shed. I only have one side primed - it 's time consuming! I also have a couple of DIY projects to share with you. Stay tuned! :)

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