(Racing) Year In Review

This was a tough season of racing. I had some fun, for sure, but it was also just one tough break after another. It's hard to categorize...

This was a tough season of racing. I had some fun, for sure, but it was also just one tough break after another. It's hard to categorize even a single event as being good or bad, (with the exception of the last race of the season...bad) 'cause it seemed there was a little of both every time. Examples;
Ice Racing, got a 3rd place trophy, but blew up the engine doing it.
Hare Scramble, mangled my thumb, but I finished the race, and I think I'll try it again.
Mini Motard, struggled with jetting all season, but got some decent results.
Flattrack, still had some minor brake issues, didn't win any races this year other than a heat race. Got a 2nd and a 3rd though.
Broken bones. I broke my ankle mid season, which took me out for two months. Scott broke his clavicle, and wrecked his new race bike through no fault of his own. That was the last race of the year for us, and aside from having a couple great practice sessions, it sucked.

Scott never turned a race lap on the bike, it blew the top end in his first practice sesh.

Catra Harescramble

Flattrack at JRM.

Vintage competition

Jim Durkee's superb SL350

Sorry, don't know the rider, but it's a cool Maico

Racin' Mini-motards in VT

TT race under the lights at WVR.

Electric City Riders Memorial Cup

You just don't see many of these. This is entered in the TT class at EC.

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