This one's for you E72 fans - Nokia E6

If you were following various blogs and websites, you would have heard yesterday of the announcement that Nokia is lining up the next E seri...

If you were following various blogs and websites, you would have heard yesterday of the announcement that Nokia is lining up the next E series phone that looks to replace your E72, with a touchscreen Symbian "Anna" version of your beloved phone.

It was only around two weeks ago, we posted our review of the Nokia E7. Some of the comments about how it is more of a two handed phone than what E72 users may be used to. As if to read our minds, the E6 offers everything that the E7 brings to the board room such as: 

USB to go - Allows you to read/edit anything on a thumb drive via your E72 sized device
TV-out - Projects your phone screen on to a TV screen, but I don't think it is HDMI
Joikuspot Premium - An essential app that enables internet sharing by using your phone as an internet hotspot
HD video recording - Filming professional videos of your conference/holiday from your phone. 

The difference? 

QWERTY - a real E72 keypad that you can't accidentally open apps or call people when you are juggling your phone with other things (this is one annoyance I found with complete touchscreen phones like E7 and N8).  
Symbian Anna - Newer version of the Symbian^3 with a new browser and faster/better/friendlier interface. In terms of home screens, you will get five, of which each allows you to vary the size and look of each icon. 

What do you lose? 

Autofocus camera - the 8MP camera is a full focus camera which from my limited experience with the E7 and C7, makes me wonder why we can't just move up to autofocus and forget full focus existed? However, I speak in ignorance having not tried the camera on the E6.. so watch this space. 

Scanner - We lamented this in our post about the E7, but here we go again. How many of you showed off to friends the feature of capturing a business card contacts using the multiscanner on the E72. Well, cherish those moments. 

As I said before on twitter, I am the kind of person who likes to type faster than one thinks, whilst others are the look-and-poke type phone operators. The touchscreens like the N8 and C7 are mostly for the latter and the E6 is for those that like to know where things are ahead of time. We'll talk more about this phone when we get a chance to play with one.

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