How to Change an Elantra Thermostat

When a Hyundai Elantra starts to have engine problems many people will decide to seek out a dealership or qualified foreign vehicle repair s...

How to Change an Elantra Thermostat

When a Hyundai Elantra starts to have engine problems many people will decide to seek out a dealership or qualified foreign vehicle repair shop because they are not sure that the Elantra is designed the same as an American-made vehicle. However, when it comes to the cooling system of a Hyundai engine there are many similarities that make fixing an issue like a broken thermostat similar to an American engine. If your Hyundai is not heating properly you can fix the thermostat without going to a dealer or repair facility.



    Remove the radiator hose from the thermostat housing cover by removing the band clamp that holds the hose to the cover. This is done with a Phillips screwdriver. Slide the band clamp back away from the housing and pull the hose off.


    Remove the two bolts that hold the thermostat housing cover to the top of the Elantra intake manifold with an adjustable wrench. The bolts will be reused. They should not be discarded.


    Remove the old gasket that was pressed between the intake manifold and the thermostat housing cover. It's a paper gasket and should pull off of the intake in one piece. Remove the thermostat from inside of the intake manifold by pulling up on it. The gasket and thermostat can be discarded.


    Place the new thermostat into the intake manifold of the Hyundai Elantra. The thermostat must be placed with the top sticking out of the intake manifold for it to work properly. Use the old thermostat to orientate the new one.


    Place a small amount of PVC gasket sealer around the thermostat on the base of the intake manifold. Allow the PVC to dry for ten minutes and then place the thermostat gasket on top of the gasket sealer. Place a small amount of PVC gasket sealer on top of the paper gasket and allow to dry for ten minutes.


    Place the thermostat housing cover onto the gasket and bolt it into place with the original bolts. You should see a small amount of PVC gasket sealer squeeze out between the housing and the intake. This is normal and it should be left in place. Once it dries, it will add additional seal protection and prevent leaking.


    Place the radiator hose back on to the thermostat housing cover and fix it into place by tightening the band clamp with a screw driver. Your Hyundai Elantra is now ready to drive again.

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