Music Monday: First Aid Kit

Surprise, Music Monday on a Thursday! I just got back into town after an unexpected 2+ weeks stay in Utah ( Alt was a blast!) and am excite...

Surprise, Music Monday on a Thursday! I just got back into town after an unexpected 2+ weeks stay in Utah (Alt was a blast!) and am excited to have full access to my computer again.

While I was gone I came across this song with a folksy vibe called 'Emmylou' by the Swedish duo sister group First Aid Kit  and have been kind of obsessed with it. I think it is really beautiful, their voices blend with perfection. The lyrical love relationship references to Johnny and June, Emmylou and Gram are also suiting for the month of February. Hope it brings a smile to your day.

*Download this song or their new album The Lion's Roar here.
// Photo by Neil Krug via First Aid Kit's myspace.

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