A Pop of Plumage.

We had a rather nasty storm in the forecast for Friday night into Saturday, which didn't quite materialize. Thank goodness. In any event...

We had a rather nasty storm in the forecast for Friday night into Saturday, which didn't quite materialize. Thank goodness. In any event, I planned for a quiet weekend at home and went ahead with it anyway!

When there is a storm coming, I always buy myself some flowers to brighten up an otherwise miserable day. Here are my flowers on Friday. I love my tulips!

I just finished reading The Great Gatsby so I finally got to put it out on display. Such a pretty book (on top of the pile). Time to by another Modern Classic? Problem is, I have a rule that if I buy them, I have to read them and I really want to get into the Hunger Games. Hmmm. I guess I'll wait. I picked up the shy owl last week at Winners. He's been moving around the house a lot because he looks so cute everywhere!

Saturday, I got to work priming some pieces that have been on the to do list for a while. Today, I painted those pieces. I don't mind painting. In fact, I'll pretty much paint anything if it will make it pretty. However,  I tend to paint everything white. It took me some time to get used to this:

Martha Stewart Plumage. It's bright and dark but I'm loving it! It's all part of my dining room makeover plan. I don't know when we will get a change to get in there and paint the walls but small things are changing, here and there. A splash of teal for instance! 

Here is a little peek for now. I'll be back soon to share the little makeover with you. Promise

Here are my tulips today. After having a chance to open up. So pretty.

Have a great week! I'm off to watch the Oscars!  

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