Car will not crank
To turn over, the car needs battery power or a jump from a good battery or high-power charger. Do not assume you have a bad battery just b...
turn over, the car needs battery power or a jump from a good battery or
high-power charger. Do not assume you have a bad battery just because
it will not crank the engine. Troubleshooting steps depend on the exact symptom you are experiencing. If the starter solenoid is clicking, your start circuit is likely to be good and the troubleshooting will be more limited. We will first consider
turn over, the car needs battery power or a jump from a good battery or
high-power charger. Do not assume you have a bad battery just because
it will not crank the engine. Troubleshooting steps depend on the exact symptom you are experiencing. If the starter solenoid is clicking, your start circuit is likely to be good and the troubleshooting will be more limited. We will first consider