Vintage Black & Whites

I love black and white photos. Bonus when they are vintage! There is certainly a romantic mystery associated with them. They have such a tim...

I love black and white photos. Bonus when they are vintage! There is certainly a romantic mystery associated with them. They have such a timeless appeal that brings with it feelings of nostalgia in the stories they tell. Even for those of us who did not experience that particular time.

In our house, we have a few vintage black and white photos of our families, here and there.

Here is one with Stephane's grandfather. I tease him that that's where he got his sexy legs!

My mom and dad on their wedding day. I had these copied years ago and recently found them 
in an album. I love having them tucked in the mirror in my bedroom, 
where I do my makeup in the morning.

A photo of Stephane's grandmother with her guitar found a spot in our living room 
gallery wall. It think it's a neat shot.

I came across the tumbler site, Rides a Bike, the other day and it made me want to get an old bike and cruise around town. Or at least dream about it... or buy the coffee table book. Here are a few of the photos I particularly liked.

Tell me you don't feel a little bit of nostalgia for Old Hollywood? It's pretty awesome, if you ask me!

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