Rogue Trooper, Unique game

Level select: Play any level and complete it. Then exit the game and restart. The level of just ended now be unlocked at the "Cheats...

Level select:
Play any level and complete it. Then exit the game and restart. The level of
just ended now be unlocked at the "Cheats" menu.
All weapons and upgrades:
Complete the game. Instead of starting a new game, use the level of
Select cheat and start on the first level. You keep all their weapons and
updates from the last game.
Completion Bonus:
Complete the game on any difficulty. Start a new game,
press [Esc] to display the Options menu, then select "Cheats".
The next trick options can now be activated.
Hippy Blood: the blood of changes in the colorful flowers.
Low Gravity Ragdoll: Enemies will fly when killed.Put them into orbit by destroying their oxygen tank.
Extreme difficulty:
Complete the game on any difficulty. Start a new game
and the new "Extreme" difficulty option will be unlocked.

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