How to Change the Radio in a Motor Home

Just like upgrading your home stereo system, there are several modifications that you can make to your motor home. One of the easiest and mo...

How to Change the Radio in a Motor Home

Just like upgrading your home stereo system, there are several modifications that you can make to your motor home. One of the easiest and most standard modifications, especially for older models, is to replace the factory radio. The process is relatively simple and requires just a few basic tools. When buying a new radio, be sure to measure your existing unit so that you know the new one will fit.



    Shut down the motor home electrical system. Unscrew the negative terminal on the battery that controls the radio and disconnect the battery.


    Remove the dashboard casing around your radio, using the screwdriver. Screws are usually located at the corners and around the edges of the casing.


    Release the radio from the dashboard. Some motor homes use screws to secure the radio, while others are locked in place by small bolts. Use the appropriate tool to loosen the radio.


    Pull the radio from the dashboard. Gently grab the radio by the edges and pull the unit out until the wires are visible.


    Disconnect the wires from the back of the radio. The wires should be gathered into four groups, for the power supply, the speaker, the amplifier and the antenna. Grab the wires by the plastic casing, not the naked wires themselves.


    Attach the new radio to the motor home wiring by following the labels. The new wires will be labeled or color-coded to correspond to the existing system. If the wires are not labeled, consult your radio manual to identify the appropriate connections.


    Splice the new and old wires together. Use a soldering iron to permanently bind the wires, or use a crimping tool if you might change the radio in the future.


    Cover the new connection with electrical tape or wire ties. This will protect the naked wiring from damage and decrease the chance of electrical fires or malfunctions.


    Insert the new radio into the dashboard and secure it with the screws or bolts.


    Replace the dashboard cover and reattach all screws.

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