Installation Instructions for an 904-A Transgo Shift Kit for a Chrysler

Transgo shift kits for a Chrysler 904-A Torqueflite automatic transmission are available as a standard repair kit or as a performance kit. T...

Installation Instructions for an 904-A Transgo Shift Kit for a Chrysler

Transgo shift kits for a Chrysler 904-A Torqueflite automatic transmission are available as a standard repair kit or as a performance kit. This particular transmission is found on a number of vehicles. The performance kit option allows for adapting the transmission for enhanced performance. The standard shift kit provides for the replacement of worn parts and the work can be done with standard tools.




    Drive the vehicle up onto the ramps.


    Check the shop manual for your individual vehicle. This can show removing the negative lead on the battery before starting.


    Set the drip pan under the transmission cover.


    Loosen the rear bolts of the transmission pan and allow the fluid to drain into the drip pan, then remove the front bolts and the pan cover. For older models, there may be a plug on the bottom of the transmission pan. If there is a plug, loosen it and allow the transmission fluid to drain into the drip pan. Remove the pan cover. As you remove the bolts, line these up in the pattern of removal. Set the cover aside.


    Study the setup of parts that are now uncovered.


    Take out the bolts that attach the filter and the valve body to the transmission housing. Set the bolts in a pattern for replacing later.


    Clean out the bottom of the pan in case there are bits of metal.


    Check your shop manual for removal of sensors and wiring.



    Remove the valve body. Set this on a flat work surface. Examine the assembly for channels where there are balls that act as valves. Mark these. Note where the springs and the manual valve goes.


    Remove the valves, balls and springs. Set these aside in a pattern similar to their placement as a guide for the placement of the Transgo kit parts.


    Clean the valve body, once all of the springs and valves are removed.


    Lay out the Transgo shift kit parts on a flat surface. A cloth can be placed on the work surface and the parts placed on this. The cloth helps to keep the parts in place. Familiarize yourself with the parts. Study the kit guide for direction on the marking for the parts. Use the kit guide for specific parts placement.


    Place the Transgo kit parts into the valve body by reversing the process of what was taken out with the new kit parts. Tighten bolts.


    Clean surfaces where gaskets are used to ensure a seal. An automotive parts cleaner can be used on a cloth to accomplish this.


    Position gaskets.

Putting It Back Together


    Insert the valve body with the new parts into the transmission housing and bolt into place.


    Insert a new filter and bolt into place.


    Apply gasket sealer to where the pan gasket goes and align the gasket. Put the cover back on the transmission housing. Bolt the pan in place using the torque as indicated in the vehicle manual. If there was a plug, reinsert it with its new gasket.


    Fill the transmission to the proper level with the fluid recommended by the vehicle manual.

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