iPad 2 Announcement

Hooray... did you hear about the new iPad 2 coming out?! Granted my husband and I are tech nerds and exchange text back and forth about stu...

Hooray... did you hear about the new iPad 2 coming out?! Granted my husband and I are tech nerds and exchange text back and forth about stuff like this -- it looks pretty dang sweet. Of course it is faster, thinner, and has even more features (like a camera) than before! It comes out March 11.

What are you thoughts about iPads and tablets? I'm super curious because I've joked around with a few of my doubting friends that I think most people will have one in the next five to ten years, but what do you think?

Ps. If you use pinterest ... it pretty much rocks on the iPad. When I'm up feeding the baby at night, sometimes I pin away, follow me here if you want. I also love flipboard! What are your favorite apps, shout 'em out.

(photo from engadget)

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