Trois Amours Series ~ Ten June

Today, I welcome the lovely blogger, Michelle . She is the author of the blog Ten June , where she shares how she and her husband are transf...

Today, I welcome the lovely blogger, Michelle. She is the author of the blog Ten June, where she shares how she and her husband are transforming their 50s rancher into the gorgeous home they share with their two pups, Tucker and Maggie.

Michelle is my first guest in a new weekly series called "Trois Amours". I've asked some of my favorite bloggers to share the 3 things in their home that they love most. This could be:
  • that one piece that finished off a room
  • a great find or a steal of a deal
  • a sentimental item
  • or simply something that makes you smile when you walk into a room!
Thanks so much Michelle for participating. If you haven't checked out her blog yet, head on over and check her home. It's looking fabulous. I'm especially loving the progress in her dining room!

Hi friends!! I'm Michelle, popping over from Ten June. Jane is such a sweet blog friend and I'm so excited to share something fun with all of you today. And guess what it is?? My TOP THREE favorite things in my house. Isn't Jane's series on bloggers' favorite things such a good idea?! We all spend our time blogging about all kinds of fun design and decor projects, but I think this is such a good question: what part of your home REALLY puts a smile on your face??

So here's my list! I'm going to go all David Letterman on you and count down backwards : )

3) My dining room!

I have only recently begun decorating this room and it feels really good to see it all coming together! I don't have much on the walls yet and I'm still working on the chairs and table settings, but I have painted the walls navy blue, added a DIY sunburst mirror, and recently bought a new rug. I think it's really coming along well :)

2) The window wall in my kitchen/breakfast room.

A few months ago, we repainted the kitchen cabinets and trim a fresh, bright white. It has literally changed the entire face of the room and has made it such a beautiful, bright, airy space.

And this beautiful wall of windows along our breakfast room certainly helps in that! I love looking out the windows over our backyard while I drink my coffee in the mornings. Just so pretty!

Annnnddd drumroolll pleeeeease...... My favorite-est (ok, not a word, but I like it!) thing at my house?

1) My family!! :)

Cheesy, I know. But it's true!

Thanks for having me, Jane!!

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