Things I've Discovered.

I've been reflecting lately on what I've learned both from blogging and from renovating/decorating my home.  I compiled a little lis...

I've been reflecting lately on what I've learned both from blogging and from renovating/decorating my home. 
I compiled a little list...

Things I've Discovered

1. That every color is my favorite color. For instance, I will never again say that I hate yellow. 
I am currently loving it and would have vehemently denied it 6 months ago.

2. That paint can hide a multitude of sins. It's possibly my dearest friend.
This was seriously hideous prior to pretty soft blue paint.
3. That I'm not one for cleaning up after projects. Paint brushes are a buck at the Dollarama and are actually pretty good. I just throw them away after. I'll spend a dollar over cleaning brushes any day!

4. That I have a huge appreciation for artists. I thought abstract painting was easy. 
It's clearly not. You need talent! Believe me.. I've tried:)

5. That I really need a good camera. My blog will thank me. (This is me justifying a major purchase).

6. That I should not fear a power tool. Knowing how to do it yourself saves you time instead of waiting for someone to help you out. I'm still working on this one.

7. That I am spatially unaware. I wasted A LOT of wood when trying to cut 45 degree angles for my wainscoting on the stairs. Seriously. It was ridiculous and I felt incredibly dumb.

8. That I don't think I will ever clearly define my personal style. 
I'm constantly inspired by completely different looks.
Inspiration is everywhere!

I'd love to hear some of what you have learned!

Also, a big thank you to Carol at The Design Pages for nominating me for the One Lovely Blog award along with some other Canadian bloggers. Thanks Carol!

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