Happy Weekend, I hope I survive
Aubrey is off for a boys weekend, doing a big road trip through the US to catch some baseball games. To be honest, I'm not exactly sure ...

Aubrey is off for a boys weekend, doing a big road trip through the US to catch some baseball games. To be honest, I'm not exactly sure where he is going, but I do know he's leaving me Friday morning and back Sunday night. And also, that it's my first time alone with Oscar and I may be freaking out a little. Anyhow, here are some things that you may have read on my twitter feed, but didn't make it into posts this past week...
1. Oscar HATES the car so I bought a Griffin Cinema Seat Case to put my ipad 2 in. (my birthday present that I got from my family last month!) I thought that I could distract him with a movie while I drive. It didn't work. He still cried within 15 minutes of driving. (Ugh). Have you ever driven alone with a baby that screamed? I am also usually in tears within a few minutes.
2. We were on Spearmint Baby! Our Christmas Decoration that was inspired by Morgan, was included in a roundup on one of our favourite sites, Spearmint baby
3. We celebrated my Dads birthday, and Oscar brought him his gift that he always brings, balloons. They were tied to his wrist. (xoxo)
4. The fridge, oh our fridge. It has sparked a full on kitchen reno discussion. Yes, we are talking kitchens.
Have a great weekend. Hopefully I survive. If I don't blog by next Tuesday, Oscar locked me in a closet.
1. Oscar HATES the car so I bought a Griffin Cinema Seat Case to put my ipad 2 in. (my birthday present that I got from my family last month!) I thought that I could distract him with a movie while I drive. It didn't work. He still cried within 15 minutes of driving. (Ugh). Have you ever driven alone with a baby that screamed? I am also usually in tears within a few minutes.
2. We were on Spearmint Baby! Our Christmas Decoration that was inspired by Morgan, was included in a roundup on one of our favourite sites, Spearmint baby
3. We celebrated my Dads birthday, and Oscar brought him his gift that he always brings, balloons. They were tied to his wrist. (xoxo)
4. The fridge, oh our fridge. It has sparked a full on kitchen reno discussion. Yes, we are talking kitchens.
Have a great weekend. Hopefully I survive. If I don't blog by next Tuesday, Oscar locked me in a closet.