Well Styled Bookshelves.

I'm a sucker for anything that is well styled. It takes patience and a good eye. A well styled bookcase is even more challenging because...

I'm a sucker for anything that is well styled. It takes patience and a good eye. A well styled bookcase is even more challenging because it is so much space and you need a good collection of beautiful books and accessories.
Source: lonnymag.com via Jane on Pinterest

My bookcase (a Christmas present that took a bit of backseat with all the action around here) is nearing completion. Finally. I hope to be begin the task of styling it this weekend. I am super excited to do it but intimidated at the same time. I'm just trying to remind myself of what I tell others (just my humble advice):
  •  Take your time.
  •  Try many different combinations.
  •  Layer! Using different heights and textures.
  •  Photograph it, then analyse it. Sometimes it's easier to pick out what isn't working in a photo.
  •  Live with it a while.
  •  Don't be scared to change it up. Nothing is permanent! 
Look at me handing out advice.. talk about putting pressure on myself! Anyway, sorry about the lack of "real" photos this week. With any luck, I'll be back Monday with some progress shots of the bookcase. For now though, here are my favorite style bookshelves.

Source: cozamia.com via Jane on Pinterest
Source: google.ca via Jane on Pinterest

Obviously, I like a bookshelf that is busy! Lots of books, lots of accessories, lots of personality. Problem is, do I have enough stuff to make it work? Time will tell!

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